PSY FPX 7220 Assessment 3 Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development
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PSY FPX 7220 Child Psychology
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Rosa, a 6-year-old immigrant, recently completed a year of full-day kindergarten in a southwestern state. Unlike many of her peers, she did not attend formal early childhood preschool, as she was primarily cared for by her maternal grandmother while her parents worked. Despite residing with her immediate family and grandmother for over a year, Rosa has experienced multiple relocations. As she transitions to first grade, Rosa exhibits delays in cognitive development, particularly in early literacy skills like reading and writing. Additionally, she displays reluctance to engage in group activities and social interactions, often taking time to warm up to new situations.
Transitioning from Early to Middle Childhood
Transitioning from early to middle childhood typically involves various developmental milestones. Berk and Meyers (2016) outline these milestones, including physical changes like height and weight gain, cognitive advancements such as increased attention and logical thinking, and social developments like enhanced empathy and independence. However, Rosa appears to be encountering challenges in both cognitive and social domains.
Analyzing Rosa’s Case
Rosa’s case reveals a primary concern related to her reluctance to participate in social activities, which impacts her cognitive development. Drawing from Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, Rosa’s development is influenced by multiple systems and environments, including her family dynamics and school experiences. These systems interact within the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem, shaping Rosa’s development in complex ways.
Rosa’s family, particularly her grandmother’s caregiving role, and her kindergarten teacher constitute crucial elements of her microsystem and mesosystem. The absence of formal preschool experiences may have hindered Rosa’s social-emotional competence, essential for future academic success. Furthermore, economic struggles and frequent relocations expose Rosa to challenges associated with the exosystem, potentially impacting her emotional well-being and cognitive development.
Exploring Interventions
Given Rosa’s social anxiety and cognitive delays, interventions are necessary to support her development. Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) offers a non-directive approach that allows Rosa to explore her emotions and experiences freely. Encouraging positive peer interactions in the classroom and engaging Rosa in team activities can also foster social connections and boost self-esteem.
Moreover, leveraging Rosa’s bilingualism may aid in addressing her literacy struggles. Research suggests that bilingual children can transfer phonological awareness skills between languages, potentially enhancing reading achievement. Additional literacy support, such as tutoring or specialized programs, may further support Rosa’s academic progress.
In conclusion, Rosa’s case highlights the intricate interplay between social and cognitive development within diverse cultural contexts. By understanding and addressing the various influences on Rosa’s development, including family dynamics, school experiences, and socioeconomic factors, tailored interventions can be implemented to support her holistic growth and well-being.
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Berk, L. E., & Meyers, A. B. (2016). Infants, Children, and Adolescents (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Bolle, M. D., Clereq, B. D., Decuyper, M., & Fruyt, F. D. (2011). Affective Determinants of Anxiety and Depression Development in Children and Adolescents: An Individual Growth Curve Analysis. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 42(5), 694-711.
Ehrenreich-May, J., Kennedy, S. M., & Remmes, C. S. (2015). Emotion Regulation Interventions and Childhood Depression. In J. Ehrenreich-May, S. M. Kennedy, & C. S. Remmes (Eds.), Self-regulated Learning Interventions with At-Risk Youth: Enhancing Adaptability, Performance, and Well-being (pp. 157-179).
PSY FPX 7220 Assessment 3 Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development
Gauvain, M., & Cole, M. (2005). Readings on the Development of Children (4th Ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.
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Sharkins, K. A., Leger, S. E., & Ernest, J. M. (2016). Examining Effects of Poverty, Maternal Depression,. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(6), 493-498.
PSY FPX 7220 Assessment 3 Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development
Stoeckli, G. (2009). The Role of Individual and Social Factors in Classroom Loneliness. Journal of Educational Research, 28(1), 28-39.
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