ACC FPX 5610 Assessment 4 Cash Budgeting
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ACC-FPX5610 Advanced Accounting, Budget Planning, and Control
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Introduction/Criteria Required in an HRIS Platform
When choosing an HR platform, it is imperative for the employer to ensure that it possesses the capability to track applicants, store company documents, manage benefits, oversee payroll information, and monitor performance and development (Florentine, 2019). Adhering to these criteria guarantees that the program can effectively handle recruitment and onboarding processes, monitor training and educational needs, and identify internal career progression paths. For instance, the ability of the platform to track applicants will preserve comprehensive applicant history, open positions, scheduled interviews, and job descriptions, thereby enhancing the recruitment experience and bolstering the employer brand (Florentine, 2019). Additionally, the selection of a platform that stores company documents facilitates easy access to critical materials such as the employee handbook, emergency procedures, safety guidelines, and policies. This function empowers employees to review essential documents independently without requiring HR assistance (Florentine, 2019).
Furthermore, an ideal HR platform allows employees to self-manage benefits, request time off, and oversee their payroll information, fostering a sense of autonomy in managing their time, health, and retirement benefits throughout their employment (Florentine, 2019). Moreover, a compensation and performance management function enables HR and employees to supervise compensation history, tax information, track training, and development through performance evaluations and surveys (Florentine, 2019). This capability facilitates open-feedback loops, report generation, and integration with relevant data to identify issues, monitor employee development, and establish specialized internal career pathways.
Evaluation of Platforms for the Employee
BambooHR, ADP Workforce Now, and UKG Pro offer functionalities that centralize employee personnel, benefit, and payroll information in a single database, simplifying access for employees and HR (ADP, n.d.; BambooHR, n.d.; UKG Pro, n.d.). These platforms store company documents and track training and development, addressing employee needs across onboarding, engagement, performance, and development stages. They enable employees to receive feedback from peers and supervisors, aiding in strength building, expectation management, and internal career path development (Gallup Inc., 2022).
Additionally, all three platforms provide an applicant tracking system (ATS) for organized applicant information throughout the recruitment process, contributing significantly to positive candidate experiences (Gallup Inc., 2022). Despite slight differences, these platforms’ distinctions determine their suitability for the organization and workforce. For example, ADP Workforce Now lacks the capability for employees to complete or track training, hindering reporting, analytics, and issue identification (Brown, 2021). In contrast, UKG Pro offers functionalities similar to BambooHR but as a software-as-a-service (S-A-A-S) integrating AI into management tools (Brown, 2021).
Evaluation of Platforms for the Organization
BambooHR, ADP Workforce Now, and UKG Pro enable CapraTek to store essential company documents, providing employees access throughout each life cycle stage. While BambooHR and UKG Pro allow the employer to send company forms and documents to new hires before their start date, ADP Workforce Now lacks this capability. Immediate access to company documents benefits new and current employees, allowing them to familiarize themselves with standard procedures, team members, and set short-term goals before their first day (Zielinski, 2019). All three platforms offer an ATS for organized open positions and applicant information, contributing to a positive hiring experience and a positive employer brand.
Additionally, self-management of benefits enhances accessibility and approval processes for health, retirement, and payroll, enabling employees to track their usage (Florentine, 2019). However, ADP Workforce Now lacks the capability to administer training programs, hindering the tracking of employee development (Brown, 2021).
After a thorough evaluation, BambooHR emerges as the most effective and cost-efficient platform to meet CapraTek’s organizational needs for recruiting, onboarding, tracking training/education requirements, and building internal career pathways. BambooHR enhances attraction, recruitment, and onboarding processes, offering an ATS for posting jobs on social media and recruiting platforms. It allows new hires to review and sign required documents before their start date, facilitating a streamlined onboarding experience.
The platform also supports talent/performance management through employee surveys and evaluations, enabling effective tracking of employee development. Unlike UKG Pro, BambooHR is deemed more suitable for CapraTek due to its cost-effectiveness and user-friendly features. ADP Workforce Now is not recommended due to its limitations in administering/tracking training and education programs.
CapraTek’s HR team has selected BambooHR as the most effective and cost-efficient HRIS platform, aligning with organizational needs and preventing employee turnover. BambooHR’s capabilities ensure cultural alignment, employee wellness, fluid administration of surveys, recognition/reward framework, constructive career planning, and organized personnel information. This comprehensive HRIS will be instrumental in enhancing productivity, implementing constructive adjustments, and adapting to the current workforce and situation.
ADP. (n.d.). Workforce now all-in-one HR software. ADP. Retrieved February 19, 2023, fromĀ https://www.adp.com/what-we-offer/products/adp-workforce-now.aspx#tab-3cf039a6-f94c-482b9778-addf1f934baf-0
BambooHR. (n.d.). What is BambooHR? Retrieved fromĀ https://www.selecthub.com/hr-managementsoftware/bamboohr/?from_category=95
Brown, F. (2021). Best HRIS Systems & Platforms for 2021. Retrieved fromĀ https://technologyadvice.com/blog/human-resources/top-hris-systems/
Gallup Inc. (2022, August 19). How to improve the employee experience – gallup. Gallup.com. Retrieved February 19, 2023, fromĀ https://www.gallup.com/workplace/323573/employee-experience-andworkplace-culture.aspx#:~:text=05%20The%20Employee%20Life%20Cycle’s,to%2DdayĀ %20experiences%20of%20employees.
Matthew, F. (2022, February 4). Is it important to consider applicant perception during recruitment and selection process? LinkedIn. Retrieved February 22, 2023, fromĀ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/important-consider-applicant-perception-during-funbi-matthewmpa-/?trk=pulse-article_more-articles_related-content-card
HRM FPX 5090 Assessment 4 HR Challenge: Evaluate and Recommend an HR Platform
Reward Gateway Revolutionizes the Employee Engagement Market With the Addition of Employee Surveys, Delivering the First End-to-end Engagement Platform: Easy-to-use integrated survey solution allows employers to both measure employee engagement and impact it through a centralized employee engagement platform. (2018, Jan 10). PR NewswireĀ http://library.capella.edu/login?Ā qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fwire-feeds%2Freward-gateway-revolutionizesemployee-engagement%2Fdocview%2F1986122672%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D27965
SentricHR. (2022, December 19). Benefits of HRIS: 8 features to manage your workload. SentricHR. Retrieved February 22, 2023, fromĀ https://sentrichr.com/benefits-of-hris-8-features-to-manage-yourworkload/
UKG Pro. (n.d.). UKG Pro Suite. UKG. Retrieved February 19, 2023, fromĀ https://www.ukg.ca/solutions/ukg-pro-suite
Zielinski, D. (2019). How to optimize onboarding. HRMagazine, 64(2), 1. Retrieved fromĀ https://wwwproquest-com.library.capella.edu/trade-journals/how-optimize-onboarding/docview/2291459154/se-2
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