Online Class Assignment

BHA FPX 4106 Assessment 3 Healthcare Information Review Proposal

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Capella University

BHA-FPX4106 Introduction to Managing Health Care Information

Prof. Name



This proposal endeavors to evaluate the standard of care delivered to women diagnosed with breast cancer aged between 30 and 60 years. Ensuring high-quality patient care is imperative, particularly for cancer patients who endure not only the physical ramifications of the disease but also the psychological distress of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear (Mahapatra, Nayak, & Pati, 2016). The focus will primarily be on appraising the radiation therapy and diagnostic imaging or biopsies administered to patients. By juxtaposing our clinic’s data against national benchmarks and external departmental data, we aim to pinpoint areas necessitating improvement and elevate the quality of patient care.

Data Collection Plan

Data collection will commence subsequent to the establishment of benchmarks, with national averages serving as our baseline. We will amass data from external departments, including hospital admissions and collaborative oncology partners. The collated data, centering on age, gender, and specific cancer diagnoses, holds paramount importance for the relevance of our proposal (Alexandrou & Mentzas, 2019). Due to challenges associated with data availability, compiling comprehensive information may span a duration of 2-3 weeks. Following this, a comparative analysis of our clinic’s data with external sources will facilitate the assessment of care quality and inform requisite actions.

Data Security Plan

Upholding the security of patient information is of utmost importance, necessitating strict adherence to HIPAA regulations. Initial steps involve obtaining valid authorization for the use of Protected Health Information (PHI) and fortifying the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system (Oachs & Watters, 2020C). All patient data will be exclusively managed through the EHR system, with staff strictly instructed against discussing patient information via insecure channels. Post-study, redundant patient data will undergo thorough deletion by the IT department to uphold HIPAA compliance and ensure patient confidentiality.

Benchmarking Plan

Leveraging data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ensures that our benchmark data aligns with national standards (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], n.d.). Despite serving a smaller patient population compared to national averages, juxtaposing our data against these standards remains informative. Specifically, our focus will be on breast cancer diagnostics and radiation therapy within the 30-60 age bracket to ensure effective benchmarking.

Quality and Change Management Strategies

Data analysis will steer enhancements in patient care by pinpointing areas of disparity between our clinic and national benchmarks. The promptness of treatment implementation and diagnostic efficacy will be evaluated to augment patient outcomes. Management and senior leadership will utilize the evaluated data to instigate requisite changes in diagnostic methodologies, treatment protocols, and patient education, thereby ensuring compliance with established standards (Alexandrou & Mentzas, 2019).


Subsequent to data evaluation and approval, effectuating changes necessitates educating staff on revised procedures and policies. The duration of training is contingent upon the extent of required modifications, spanning from 1-2 weeks for minor alterations to a month for comprehensive restructuring. Supervisors will oversee staff training and ensuing implementation, ensuring seamless transitions and minimizing errors that could jeopardize patient safety and contentment.


The successful execution of this proposal is anticipated to culminate in heightened patient contentment and elevated care quality for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer, potentially extending benefits to patients with diverse diagnoses. Methodical review and implementation of changes are imperative to ensure organizational efficacy and patient well-being. By effecting changes in a phased manner and addressing identified deficiencies, our objective of augmenting patient care quality can be realized.

BHA FPX 4106 Assessment 3 Healthcare Information Review Proposal


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Comparing Quality Scores to a State or National Average. AHRQ. Retrieved from

Alexandrou, D., & Mentzas, G. (2019). Research Challenges for Achieving Healthcare Business Process Interoperability. International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, 58-65. DOI 10.119/Etelemed.2009.29.

Mahapatra, S., Nayak, S., & Pati, S. (2016). Quality of care in cancer: An exploration of patient perspectives. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 5(2), 338-342. DOI: 10.4103/2249-4863.192349.

Oachs, P. K., & Watters, A. L. (2020A). Chapter 4, “Health Record Content and Documentation.” Health information management: Concepts, principles and practice (6th ed.). AHIMA Press.

BHA FPX 4106 Assessment 3 Healthcare Information Review Proposal

Oachs, P. K., & Watters, A. L. (2020C). Chapter 11, “Data Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security.” Health information management: Concepts, principles and practice (6th ed.). AHIMA Press.