Online Class Assignment

BUS FPX 4011 Assessment 3 Leadership and Trust in Virtual Teams

BUS FPX 4011 Assessment 3 Leadership and Trust in Virtual Teams

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Capella University

BUS-FPX4011 Virtual Team Collaboration

Prof. Name



Trust is a fundamental element across all levels of leadership, with managers striving to earn the trust and respect of their supervisors. Behaviors can either strengthen or weaken trust, while effective leadership in virtual teams requires awareness of several key principles.

Important Elements for Success

Success in virtual teams hinges on the right leadership, team composition, technology, and touchpoints.

The Right Leadership

Leaders with prior supervisory experience have an advantage in virtual settings, as traits effective in face-to-face interactions translate well. Cultivating trust and empathy is crucial, with video features serving as vital tools for building connections.

The Right Team

Assessing members’ strengths and weaknesses, coaching, and peer training are essential. Ineffective members should be reassigned or replaced if progress is lacking.

The Right Technology

Utilizing technology that fosters interaction and integrates various communication forms is essential. Making the platform central to team activities fosters culture and cohesion.

The Right Touchpoints

Engagement at critical times, set by managers, is crucial. Utilizing eye contact, body language, and forming long-term bonds are key.

Behaviors That Build Trust

Leveraging Swift Trust, setting clear expectations, purposeful communication, enabling and empowering team members, engaging individuals, socialization, and encouraging criticism all contribute to trust building.

Behaviors That Undermine Trust

Actions such as disconnecting team members, spreading gossip, prioritizing self-interest, reciprocating negative behaviors, scapegoating, imposing excessive control, making poor hiring decisions, can all erode trust within teams.

Principles of Effective Leadership in Virtual Teams

Principles include self-management, strategic acting, effective communication, accountability, vision for the future, managing complexity, and encouraging teamwork.


Strong leadership, exemplified by the right behaviors and a culture of trust, is vital for fostering successful virtual teams.


Conley, R. (2019). 5 Ways you undermine trust in your leadership. Leading with

Hacker, J. V., Johnson, M., Saunders, C., & Thayer, A. L. (2019). Trust in virtual teams: A multidisciplinary review and integration. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23.

Kambouris, A. (2018). 7 Ways leaders undermine trust and destroy their company culture without even realizing it.

BUS FPX 4011 Assessment 3 Leadership and Trust in Virtual Teams

Kylefalk, I., & Hallberg, L. (2020). Multi-Site Leadership: Coordinating and Leading Virtual Teams.

Scott, K. (2019). Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. Pg 64-65. St. Martins Press. New York. ISBN

Yu, X., Shen, Y., & Khazanchi, D. (2021). Swift Trust and Sensemaking in Fast Response Virtual Teams. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 1-16.

BUS FPX 4011 Assessment 3 Leadership and Trust in Virtual Teams