Online Class Assignment

BUS FPX 4127 Assessment 1 Evidence-Based Management in Health Care

BUS FPX 4127 Assessment 1 Evidence-Based Management in Health Care

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Capella University

BUS-FPX4127 Evidence-Based Health Care Management

Prof. Name


Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare

Evidence-based management entails the systematic utilization of the most reliable evidence in making decisions within healthcare organizations (Janati et al., 2018). This article delves into evidence-based management within the hospital setting, emphasizing its indispensability, the significance of diverse evidence sources, and prevalent misconceptions surrounding its adoption.

Concept of Evidence-Based Management

The concept of evidence-based management revolves around making decisions grounded in factual evidence (Marr, 2010). Its criticality in healthcare stems from the rapid pace of hospital operations, where swift and well-founded decision-making can be a matter of life or death. Managers must place trust in the evidence at hand, particularly during critical moments, to ensure optimal patient care and organizational efficacy.

The Need for an Evidence-Based Approach

The integration of an evidence-based approach in hospitals contributes to improved outcomes, care quality, patient safety, and organizational accountability (Janati et al., 2018). It guarantees that patients receive the necessary attention, enhances outcome reliability through evidence-supported interventions, and facilitates informed decision-making, ultimately enhancing the value delivered by healthcare organizations.

Four Types of Sources of Evidence

Decision-making in healthcare management relies on four key sources of evidence: scientific, organizational, experiential, and stakeholder input (Hasanpoor et al., 2018). Scientific evidence, derived from published research, informs best practices. Organizational evidence encompasses internal data crucial for identifying and addressing hospital challenges. Experiential evidence taps into practitioner expertise, offering practical insights. Stakeholder input ensures alignment with organizational values and garners necessary support.

Common Misconceptions

A prevalent misconception is that evidence-based management necessitates swift decisions, leaving no room for evidence-based practices (CEBMa, 2014). However, healthcare decisions often demand thorough deliberation, especially in critical scenarios such as cardiac emergencies. While saving lives remains paramount, evidence-based practices can guide interventions to mitigate adverse outcomes.

BUS FPX 4127 Assessment 1 Evidence-Based Management in Health Care


In conclusion, evidence-based management plays a vital role in enhancing decision-making, service delivery, and operational efficiency within healthcare organizations (Hasanpoor et al., 2018). By leveraging diverse evidence sources and dispelling misconceptions, healthcare managers can elevate patient care standards and organizational effectiveness.


Hasanpoor, E., Hajebrahimi, S., Janati, A., Abedini, Z., & Haghgoshayie, E. (2018). Barriers, Facilitators, Process and Sources of Evidence for Evidence-Based Management among Health Care Managers: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 28(5), 665ā€“680.Ā

Janati, A., Hasanpoor, E., Hajebrahimi, S., Sadeghi-Bazargani, H., & Khezri, A. (2018). An Evidence-Based Framework for Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare Organizations: A Delphi Study. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 28(3), 305.Ā

CEBMa. (2014). Evidence Based Practice The Basic Principles.Ā

BUS FPX 4127 Assessment 1 Evidence-Based Management in Health Care

Titler, M. G. (2008, April). The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. Nih.Gov; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US)Ā