Online Class Assignment

BUS FPX 4128 Assessment 3 Fundamental Cultural Competency Concepts

BUS FPX 4128 Assessment 3 Fundamental Cultural Competency Concepts

Student Name

Capella University

BUS-FPX4128 Cultural Competence in Health Care

Prof. Name


Health, Health Care Disparities, and Social Determinants of Health

Health is more than just the absence of disease; it encompasses complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Health disparities refer to variations in health outcomes that adversely affect groups experiencing social or economic disadvantages. Social determinants of health encompass the interconnected social and economic systems responsible for health inequities, including the social environment, physical environment, health services, and structural factors.

Health Disparities in the Bronx, NY

In communities such as Hunts Point and Longwood, where 43% of residents live below the Federal Poverty Level, health disparities are evident. Rates of diabetes were found to be 5 times higher in 2015, and in areas like Mott Haven and Melrose, rates were as high as 14 times the average. Other worrisome health indicators include asthma hospitalization rates among children, infant mortality, and new HIV diagnoses. Studies conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsinā€™s Population Health Institute ranked Bronx County last among 62 New York state counties in terms of health outcomes and social and economic factors.

Community Efforts

Bronx Health REACH actively promotes proper nutrition and fitness activities through educational initiatives and outreach programs. They collaborate with various stakeholders, including community members, faith-based organizations, healthcare providers, and legislators, to advocate for health equity. Similarly, the Campaign for a Healthy Bronx aims to address socioeconomic factors such as high school graduation rates and unemployment while also striving to improve access to healthcare, a significant challenge in the Bronx.

BUS FPX 4128 Assessment 3 Fundamental Cultural Competency Concepts

Websites for Outreach Support

Several websites provide valuable resources and support for health initiatives in the Bronx:

  1. Bronx Health REACH
  2. Health Disparities and Environmental Justice in the Bronx
  3. NIH Grant on Health Disparities
  4. Bronx Health Link
  5. NYC Health + Hospitals Lincoln

Promoting Health Equity in the Bronx


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Definitions.Ā

Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). Social Determinants of Health.Ā

The Institute. (n.d.).Ā

BUS FPX 4128 Assessment 3 Fundamental Cultural Competency Concepts

BUILD Health Challenge. (2017). Promoting Health Equity in the Bronx.Ā