ITEC FPX 5030 Assessment 4 Lab Experience Summary: IoT Home Device Network
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Capella University
ITEC-FPX5030 Emerging Technologies
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Executive Summary
This document summarizes the experience gained during the Cisco Packet Tracer Lab titled āIoT Introduction: Basic Home Setup.ā Additionally, it reflects on the four constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as they pertain to the lab activities.
Lab Experience Summary: IoT Home Device Network
An Internet of Things (IoT) network comprises interconnected devices capable of communicating with one another autonomously. Notable examples of IoT applications include self-driving vehicles, wearable technology, and smart home appliances (Craven, 2019).
Construct | Description |
Performance Expectancy | The performance expectations for this virtual lab were surpassed. Initially, the complexity of creating an IoT network seemed daunting, involving significant coding and algorithmic challenges. However, setting up Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for the devices turned out to be quite straightforward. Prior to the lab, the requirements for connecting three devices were unclear; however, the connection process proceeded smoothly without any issues. |
Effort Expectancy | Although setting up an IoT network (IPv4 Infrastructure) may initially appear difficult, individuals with prior experience in network setup or diagramming will find the task manageable. Even those lacking an IT background can successfully complete the setup by following detailed instructions. However, foundational knowledge is still advisable. Eugenio (2017) states, āBy connecting smart devices that otherwise would not operate together, entrepreneurs are making tech more user-friendly for people without a substantial IoT background.ā Viewing the accompanying video tutorial was beneficial, particularly for visual learners, as it provided clear, step-by-step guidance for configuring devices. |
Social Influence | Proficiency in setting up and diagramming networks is a highly regarded skill among senior leadership and management, especially during hiring or promotion processes. Employees who can independently handle network tasks distinguish themselves from those requiring IT support. It is believed that with adequate encouragement from leadership, fostering networking skills would benefit all employees. |
Facilitating Conditions | Successfully establishing an IoT network in a virtual lab necessitates familiarity with software such as Cisco and a stable internet connection. In real-life scenarios, essential devices would include a motion detector, webcam, registration server, switch, appropriate cables, and internet connectivity. Firewalls are crucial for preventing security breaches and hacker attacks. Interoperability among devices is vital; without it, data transmission could fail (Noura et al., 2018). In home settings, access to a helpline or chat support might be necessary, while workplace environments would benefit from IT department support. In both scenarios, a robust support network enhances trust and usability. |
Conclusions | This virtual lab experience indicates that replicating the process in real-life situations is feasible. The lab was user-friendly and provided sufficient guidance, making it practical to adopt such a network setup in both home and workplace settings. Although instructions may be required to troubleshoot technical issues, the lab has established a solid foundation for understanding network configuration. Further labs on emerging technologies are essential to enhance comprehension in this area. |
Craven, C. (2019, December 23). What is an IoT Network? Sdxcentral. Retrieved May 9, 2021, fromĀ https://www.sdxcentral.com/5g/iot/definitions/iotnetwork/#:~:text=An%20IoT%20network%20refers%20to,smart%20appliances%2C%20and%20wearable%20tech.
Eugenio, S. (2017, August 13). 3 Ways Entrepreneurs Are Making IoT More User-Friendly. Entrepreneur. Retrieved May 9, 2021, fromĀ https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/292415.
ITEC FPX 5030 Assessment 4 Lab Experience Summary: IoT Home Device Network
Noura, M., Atiquzzaman, M., & Gaedke, M. (2018). Interoperability in Internet of Things: Taxonomies and Open Challenges.Ā Mobile Networks and Applications, 24(3), 796-809. Retrieved May 9, 2021, fromĀ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11036-018-1089-9.
Wu, M., & Luo, J. (2019, November 25). Wearable Technology Application in Healthcare: A Literature Review.Ā HIMSS.Ā Retrieved May 2, 2021, fromĀ https://www.himss.org/resources/wearable-technology-applications-healthcare-literature-review.
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