Online Class Assignment

MBA FPX 5002 Assessment 4 Leading Innovation and Change Through Whole Person Leadership

MBA FPX 5002 Assessment 4 Leading Innovation and Change Through Whole Person Leadership


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Capella University

MBA-FPX5002 MBA Leadership

Prof. Name


Leading Innovation and Change Through Whole Person Leadership


I have consistently aspired to establish a chain of 24-hour daycare facilities to address the needs of working parents in the workforce. The goal is to provide a secure and reliable environment for their children while they are at work, eliminating any concerns about their safety. The endeavor of opening a daycare involves both short and long-term challenges, and to alleviate parental anxiety, it is crucial to build a robust team [Kotter, 2018].

To ensure the provision of adequate care, thorough research into the needs and market of the targeted area is essential. Understanding the community’s requirements allows for the development of cost-effective services, alleviating the financial burden on parents. Offering daycare services around the clock addresses the needs of those with unconventional work hours [Software, 2018].

Establishing a thriving daycare chain necessitates the formation of a strong team that shares the vision and goals of the company. Conducting comprehensive background and psychological checks is imperative to build a trustworthy team. Providing necessary training and certifications for all staff members ensures they are well-prepared to reflect the values and goals of the organization [Johns, 2018].

MBA FPX 5002 Assessment 4 Leading Innovation and Change Through Whole Person Leadership


Implementing Kotter’s 8-step process is key to the success of the company. Creating a sense of urgency, forming a guiding coalition, enlisting a volunteer army, and removing barriers are crucial steps in fostering positive change. Involving more people, continuously generating new ideas, and finding effective activities contribute to the company’s expansion and success [Johns, 2018].

To address potential resistance to a 24-hour daycare facility, effective communication is paramount. Engaging with the community, understanding concerns, and demonstrating the facility’s value through surveys and relevant certifications are strategies to overcome opposition. Whole leadership concepts, Better-Up assessments, and coaching sessions have provided clarity on the requirements for a successful business, emphasizing the importance of leveraging strengths to encourage others to share the vision and goals [Wolfe, 2018].



Johns, J. (2018). Leading Change: A Guide to Whole Leadership. Publisher. Kotter, J. (2018). 8 Steps To Accelerate Change In Your Organization. Harvard Business Review. Software, P. (2018, March 7). How To Run A Daycare: 10 Tips for Long-Term Success. Retrieved from

MBA FPX 5002 Assessments 4 Leading Innovation and Change Through Whole Person Leadership

Wolfe, D. (2018). Coaching Insider: How to Take a Whole Person Approach to One-on-One Meetings. Retrieved from