Online Class Assignment

MBA FPX 5910 Assessments 1 Capstone Project Summary

MBA FPX 5910 Assessments 1 Capstone Project Summary


Student Name

Capella University

MBA-FPX5910 MBA Capstone Experience

Prof. Name




In December 2008, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp conceived the idea of a car-for-hire service while in Paris, France (History, n.d.). Within three months, they developed the mobile application, and Uber Technologies was officially launched in December 2011 in Paris, with its headquarters in San Francisco, California. Despite its light-asset business model, Uber has been experiencing revenue losses over its nine years of operation (Sherman, 2019). The company is currently facing a Federal investigation and numerous civil lawsuits. Following the resignation of co-founder and CEO Travis Kalanick in 2017, the new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, faces the challenge of restructuring the organizational hierarchy and addressing various legal issues (Sherman, 2019). Uber prides itself on employing 22,000 people, serving 91 million active consumers, operating in 63 countries and 700+ cities, and completing 14 million daily trips worldwide (Company Info, n.d.).

Statement of Scope


This project aims to demonstrate MBA competencies by conducting a comprehensive financial and organizational analysis of Uber Technologies, Inc. The project will provide a strategic plan recommending the implementation of new procedures and policies to enhance the safety and satisfaction of both customers and employees, ultimately improving the company’s financial condition. Uber has faced serious allegations regarding neglect of employee and customer safety due to criminal incidents worldwide. In the United States alone, Uber acknowledged 5,981 reported sexual assaults by passengers in 2017 and 2018 combined (Somerville, 2019). This project will analyze the adverse effects of these events on Uber’s revenue, stock price value, and customer satisfaction ratings. It will propose strategies involving new technology, policies and procedures, hiring requirements, and consumer safety measures to enhance revenue, customer and employee satisfaction, and safety.

Accessibility of Data


Data for this project will be gathered from financial statements provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Uber’s company website, professional business journals, the Capella University Library, and reputable published sources. Microsoft Excel will be used to analyze financial statements, focusing on company leverage and profitability year over year, especially after public disclosure of criminal incidents and accusations. The project will employ SWOT, PESTEL, and VUCA methods to investigate internal and external data that directly and indirectly impact Uber, including its competitive advantage, legal obligations, and corporate responsibilities. The Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine, various professional business journals, Uber’s company website, Yahoo Finance, and the Capella University Library are expected to provide the necessary information to successfully complete the project.



Potential risks in providing accurate information include inaccurate mathematical calculations during financial analysis, reliance on non-credible information sources, and misinterpretation of project requirements. To mitigate these risks, correct and accurate formulas will be utilized in a computerized spreadsheet. The credibility of resources will be evaluated, and the Capella University Writing Center will be engaged to review the project.

Demonstration of Outcomes


The capstone project will demonstrate MBA outcomes by utilizing the acquired skills and knowledge from the program. It will showcase problem-solving abilities, open communication, influence, and motivational leadership skills (BetterUp Assessment, 2019). The project will fairly assess the Uber situation and provide valid and strategically intelligent recommendations to improve the company’s financial condition, reputation, and safety and satisfaction ratings for both employees and customers.



In conclusion, this capstone project will analyze Uber Technologies, Inc.’s current financial condition, business model, organizational structure, and employee and customer satisfaction. It will provide strategic recommendations to improve the company’s financial condition, implement policies and procedures to enhance safety measures and increase employee and customer satisfaction ratings.



BetterUp Assessment. (2019, April 19). BetterUp. Retrieved from 

Bradley, Matt. (2018, April 15). Uber plans new safety measures to reassure critics, riders, and drivers. NBC Learn, NBC Nightly News, 15 Apr. 2018, https://highered-nbclearn 

Company Info. (n.d.). Uber. Retrieved from History. (n.d.). Uber. Retrieved from 

MBA Capstone Project Description. Capella University. Retrieved from https://courserooma.  Files/cf_MBA_capstone_project_description.pdf 

MBA FPX 5910 Assessments 1 Capstone Project Summary

Sherman, L. (2019). Can Uber ever be profitable? Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.  com/ sites/lensherman/2019/06/02/can-uber-ever-be-profitable/#20a7aea65785 Somerville, H. (2019, December 5). Uber safety report details sexual assaults in U.S. over two  years. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from  report-detailing-safety-incidents-on-ride-hailing-platform-11575591071?mod=  searchresults&page=1&pos=13