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MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 4 Team Development Analysis

MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 4 Team Development Analysis MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 4 Team Development Analysis Student Name Capella University MHA-FPX 5042 Team Development and Personal Leadership in Health Care Settings Prof. Name Date Team Development Analysis Introduction Effective teamwork is crucial for the success of organizations, especially in healthcare, as it enhances efficiency and productivity by utilizing diverse skills, ideas, and experiences (Wooll, 2021). At BPL Plasma, where we collect source plasma for life-saving therapeutic medications, teamwork is vital for optimizing processes and increasing production. In early 2022, we transitioned to the Nexsys Persona PCS Plasmapheresis system to boost productivity, quality, compliance, yield, and donor satisfaction (Haemonetics, n.d.). As the project lead, I oversaw the training and ensured a smooth rollout. Team Setting, Project, and Roles The switch to new machines required comprehensive staff training and a successful implementation. Changes included installing stadiometers for height measurement due to the Nexsys Persona PCS machines’ customized collection volumes, replacing the previous weight-based presets (Haemonetics, n.d.). Training involved hands-on practice and procedure adaptation to the new equipment. New roles, such as Host and Verifier, were introduced to manage donor flow and verify machine parameters, ensuring donor safety. Professionalism Professionalism was key in managing the transition smoothly. Transparent communication with donors about the changes minimized confusion and complaints. Addressing issues promptly and offering inconvenience fees when necessary prioritized donor satisfaction (Indeed, 2021). Development of Professional Values Encouraging professional growth among team members fosters loyalty and high performance. Strategies such as modeling professional behavior, providing feedback, and supporting individual development plans contribute to team cohesion and success (Choi, 2021). Team Alignment BPL Plasma’s mission, vision, and values emphasize patient well-being, integrity, success, teamwork, and dignity. Aligning the team with these principles involves consistent communication and reinforcing the organization’s purpose (Johnson & Beckler, 2021). Coaching Strategies Effective leadership and coaching are essential for team success. Understanding individual strengths and weaknesses, promoting transparency, setting clear goals, and providing constructive feedback are key strategies for enhancing team performance (Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness, n.d.). Conclusion The transition to Nexsys Persona PCS machines presented challenges but also opportunities for growth and development within the team. Effective leadership, clear communication, and commitment to professional values ensured a successful transition and alignment with BPL Plasma’s mission and values. References Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness. (n.d.). 10 effective coaching strategies to drive team success. Choi, C. S. (2021, June 1). 7 ways to support employee growth and development. Glassdoor. Haemonetics. (n.d.). Plasma Collection. Indeed. (2021, February 22). Why professionalism is important in every aspect of work. Johnson, A., & Beckler, E. (2021, April 27). 3 steps to ensure organizational alignment by keeping the mission and vision front and center. Training Industry. MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 4 Team Development Analysis Wooll, M. (2021, October 25). The importance of teamwork for agility at work. BetterUp.,on%20getting%20the%20job%20done. Table 1: Project Roles and Responsibilities Role Responsibilities Project Lead Oversaw training and ensured a smooth rollout. Host Managed donor flow. Verifier Verified machine parameters to ensure donor safety. Table 2: Key Strategies for Team Development Strategy Description Transparent Communication Minimizes confusion and complaints among donors by clearly explaining changes. Prompt Issue Resolution Addresses issues quickly and offers inconvenience fees when necessary to maintain donor satisfaction. Professional Behavior Modeling Demonstrates expected professional behaviors to team members. Feedback and Support Provides constructive feedback and supports individual development plans to enhance team cohesion and performance. Consistent Communication of Values Aligns the team with the organization’s mission, vision, and values through regular reinforcement. Clear Goal Setting Establishes clear, achievable goals and provides constructive feedback to enhance team performance. Understanding Individual Strengths Identifies and leverages individual strengths and weaknesses to promote overall team success. MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 4 Team Development Analysis Table 3: Impact of Team Development Strategies Outcome Impact Enhanced Team Cohesion Promotes loyalty and high performance through professional growth and development. Improved Donor Satisfaction Achieved through transparent communication and prompt issue resolution. Successful Transition Implementation Effective training, role adaptation, and professional values ensured a smooth transition to the Nexsys Persona PCS system. Alignment with Organizational Values Consistent communication and reinforcement of the mission, vision, and values ensure team alignment with BPL Plasma’s principles. Download Free Sample Get Capella University Free MHA Samples MHA FPX 5010 MHA FPX 5020 MHA FPX 5042 MHA FPX 5040 MHA FPX 5016 MHA FPX 5012 MHA FPX 5014 MHA FPX 5017 Get Free Samples of any Class/Assignment

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MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 3 Coaching Session

MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 3 Coaching Session MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 3 Coaching Session Student Name Capella University MHA-FPX 5042 Team Development and Personal Leadership in Health Care Settings Prof. Name Date Coaching Session Context As an experienced musician, I have a thirteen-year-old son, Noah, who has been playing the piano since he was six. Our strong rapport stems from my involvement in his musical journey from the beginning. Despite Noah taking piano lessons for several years, his knowledge of music theory and his ability to improvise or compose original music remain limited. Recently, I began teaching him basic music theory and improvisation techniques to enhance his piano playing. Our shared musical aspirations have led us to explore ways to improve our skills and knowledge. The following interview outlines our conversation about Noah’s desire to deepen his understanding of music theory and improve his ability to improvise chords while playing the piano. The Interview Goal Questions Question Response How are you doing with your music, Noah? Things are going relatively well. My piano playing has been slightly improving since our last session together. Can you tell me what has improved since our last session? Before our last session, I would play chords stiffly without adding extra notes to enhance the song. What’s your number one goal for this session? To make my music sound better by playing chords more effectively and filling in the gaps when playing songs. You mentioned playing music better in your “own” style. Can you elaborate on that? I envision myself playing on big stages and creating my music as I get older. Reality Questions Question Response What do you think is the biggest hindrance to your progression in music? Juggling school, homework, chores, and distractions during my free time. What are some ways that you can make music progression more of a priority? Ensuring I play for at least 30 minutes daily. How could you better prioritize music in your daily schedule? Dedicating 30 minutes to practice music before doing anything else. Can you reach your musical goals with your current schedule? Yes, if I make it a daily priority. What would you need to change to make this happen? (Long pause, unsure how to answer) Thinking about your daily routine after school, is there anything you could sacrifice or postpone to prioritize music practice? Practicing before anything else would be the best way to prioritize my music. Do you think you can practice for at least 30 minutes daily? Yes, by making a schedule and following it. What needs to change in your current routine to better reach your goals? Prioritizing music daily. Options Questions Question Response What are some significant changes you want to see in your music? I want to understand how to combine chords to write songs. So, music theory? Yes, and the circle of fifths. What are some ways you can further your knowledge in music theory right now? I can look it up on YouTube or ask you for help. If you had a complete understanding of music theory now, what would you do with that knowledge? I would use it to write my own music. What would happen if you didn’t achieve this goal? I would not progress and likely remain at my current level. Will Questions Question Response What is the most helpful takeaway from this session? Prioritizing music will help me reach my goals and stay on track. How soon do you want to understand musical theory? I aim to gain a basic understanding within three months. Do you feel this goal is achievable? Yes, as long as I practice daily and stay consistent. On a scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you to reach your goal in the next three months? I would say my motivation is an 8. What might get you off track, and how would you correct yourself? Not wanting to practice daily and not being consistent. Only I can stop myself. What actions do you need to take to reach your goal? I can make a schedule and start following it. How soon do you plan on writing your schedule and starting on it? I can write a schedule starting next week. Why not start sooner? I just figured I could start fresh next week. I would encourage you to start sooner to avoid procrastination. OK, you’re right. How do you feel about reaching your goal now, and what are some obstacles? Learning music theory is challenging, especially in three months. I need to write a schedule and practice daily for 30 minutes, avoiding distractions to succeed. Applying the GROW Model During this coaching session, I employed the GROW model to guide my son. The GROW model consists of four stages: Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. Each stage involved asking targeted questions to help Noah articulate his goals, assess his current reality, explore options for improvement, and commit to specific actions. Our strong bond facilitated a personable and honest conversation, allowing for genuine discussion and accountability. Open-ended questions encouraged Noah to think broadly, while closed-ended questions helped narrow down his answers for greater clarity and focus (Herd, 2015). MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 3 Coaching Session Applying the GROW model involved tailoring each question to ensure relevance and clarity. Some challenges included needing to elaborate on certain questions due to Noah’s age and limited understanding. Despite these challenges, the session was enjoyable and highlighted our shared motivations and the distractions we both face. Coaching Experience Analysis Coaching has been a natural part of my life, particularly since adopting my oldest nephew four years ago. This role has provided numerous opportunities to guide him through adolescence. Through coaching, I have learned the importance of genuine listening and not thinking ahead while someone else is speaking. This realization was evident during the session with Noah, where I occasionally missed his answers while thinking about my next question. Taking a genuine interest in Noah’s daily obstacles is crucial for effective coaching. For

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MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 2 Personal Development Plan

MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 2 Personal Development Plan MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 2 Personal Development Plan Student Name Capella University MHA-FPX 5042 Team Development and Personal Leadership in Health Care Settings Prof. Name Date Personal Development Plan Leaders are vital components of any professional organization striving for growth and success. Effective leaders challenge the status quo, introduce fresh visions, win the hearts and minds of team members, and rally everyone towards common goals aligned with the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Without a future vision, leaders are often seen as managers who maintain the status quo, whereas true leaders push for change and organizational excellence. Leaders inspire change through goal-setting, leading by example, and motivating others. Reflecting on my professional and personal life, I have assumed leadership roles within my immediate and extended family. My family members look up to me due to my drive for success, making informed choices, and advancing my education and career. Additionally, I have consistently reached out to family members in need, offering assistance and guidance to help them improve their lives. I have naturally taken on a life coach role for many years, assisting numerous family members through various challenges. Family members often seek my guidance in difficult situations because I can offer direction, encouragement, and support. While my ability to teach and train others is evident, there are areas where I can still grow both personally and professionally. Self-reflection enables the analysis of one’s actions, attitudes, conduct, personality traits, and performance. Understanding areas of strength is as important as identifying areas needing improvement. Self-evaluation helps identify one’s skills, limitations, and areas of interest (Awan & Silén, 2022). Traits of Effective Leaders Common traits of strong leaders include character, integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, drive, vision, and insight. Self-reflection involves a deeper analysis of one’s credibility, integrity, communication skills, ability to take criticism, mutual admiration, versatility, and other leadership traits. It is essential for assimilating areas requiring improvement, change, and growth. Although assessing areas of weakness can be humbling, it is necessary for personal and professional development. Progressive leaders recognize the importance of a growth mindset and engage in regular self-evaluation and analysis. Continual growth requires vulnerability and an internal inquiry into what is working well and what needs modification. Taking action to improve oneself is a crucial attribute of influential leaders who aim to grow and improve in their own right (Allen & Fry, 2023). Influential, effective leaders must possess strong moral character and a foundation of mutual trust and respect. Different leadership styles can elicit varying levels of commitment from followers or teammates. Being an industry leader requires agility, flexibility, and the ability to overcome obstacles regularly. Industry leaders must adopt a growth mindset, positioning themselves and the company competitively. A growth mindset involves personal and professional development while considering the impact on the immediate team and company. Visionary leaders foster a growth mindset among colleagues through transparent communication, training, and challenging the status quo (Caniëls et al., 2023). When reflecting on my character, integrity, and abilities, I strive to do so without bias, pride, or tainted perspectives. Honest feedback from colleagues or friends provides diverse perspectives and understanding. Leaders desiring growth must view feedback as constructive, correctable, and relevant to their development. Humility is essential, as it involves admitting mistakes and working on areas of deficient character. Dynamic leaders understand the need for constant self-reflection, being slow to speak at times, quick to listen, and measured in action. One of my biggest challenges is making emotional decisions in a professional context. Emotions can mislead and worsen problems if not managed correctly. Honest evaluation is required to understand and modify oneself accordingly (Slonim, 2022). SMART Goals My first personal development goal is to cultivate and enhance a growth mindset in my career and personal life. In my career, a growth mindset focuses on professional insight and the development of my team and organization. It involves keeping track of the organization’s financial and logistical performance, customer satisfaction, complaints, and areas of deficiency. Historically, I focused solely on my personal and professional goals. A growth mindset requires broader thinking, considering teammates, colleagues, associates, and the company. It seeks feedback and views criticism as motivation for improving processes and work methods (Caniëls et al., 2023). The second SMART goal stems from my commitment to my family and balancing my career with being present in my marriage and family life. Success in both requires dedication, time, and attention, necessitating a healthy balance. Previously, I worked 50-75 hours a week, often missing out on vital moments with my children. While career dedication is crucial, I realize the negative impact of not being mentally and physically present. Achieving balance involves shifting focus from work to family during non-work hours. My career logistics have changed, allowing for more family time and productivity at work. In addition to balancing work and family life, finding time for rest is crucial for mental and physical well-being. As a teenager, I kept myself busy with work and productivity, which was considered healthy. However, I never considered work-life balance until recently. As I approach my late thirties, I value my time more and realize the importance of balancing work, rest, and family. Over the past few years, I have come to appreciate the significance of being mentally and physically present for my family. As a father of seven, finding family time valuable is as important as work productivity. My third SMART goal is to continue pursuing my career and education without sacrificing family time. Additionally, finding time to rest is vital for better mental focus. This goal is ongoing, requiring constant diligence and discipline as a father, husband, student, and healthcare professional. Success in this goal is measured daily by being present and giving my best to my family. My next SMART goal is to achieve my master’s degree by the end of February 2024. In the past, I balanced full-time work and school, valuing academic development. I completed my bachelor’s degree at Capella via

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MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 1 Goal Setting

MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 1 Goal Setting MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 1 Goal Setting Student Name Capella University MHA-FPX 5042 Team Development and Personal Leadership in Health Care Settings Prof. Name Date SMART Goals Worksheet Personal Development Goal 1 Specific: Clearly define the goal. Is it specific? Enhance openness and transparency to strengthen connections in both professional and personal contexts. Measurable: How will you measure success? List two indicators. Feedback from coworkers, family, and friends. Improvement in interpersonal relationships. Attainable: What skills, knowledge, or resources do you have to accomplish the goal? Acquire knowledge of body language and non-verbal communication to connect effectively. This can be achieved through education, literature, and specific online resources. Relevant: What will be the result of achieving this goal? Improved relationships and more effective, clear communication. Time-Bound: What is the timeline to complete this goal? Within 6-12 months. Reflection: Achieving this goal will enhance both professional and personal relationships, assist in forming new friendships, and expand personal growth and networking. This will foster authenticity and genuineness in social and professional engagements. MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 1 Goal Setting Personal Development Goal 2 Specific: Clearly define the goal. Is it specific? Achieve a suitable work-life balance through self-reflection. Measurable: How will you measure success? List two indicators. Reduction in stress, assessed by mood, tone, and feelings, as well as feedback from peers and the environment. Positive observations and reactions from family, friends, and coworkers. Attainable: What skills, knowledge, or resources do you have to accomplish the goal? Utilize my ability to make independent judgments instead of constantly trying to please everyone. Relevant: What will be the result of achieving this goal? Increased overall satisfaction in life, improved health, and better focus to achieve personal and professional goals. Time-Bound: What is the timeline to complete this goal? Within 6 months. Reflection: Achieving this goal will empower me to make independent decisions without feeling controlled or guilty, leading to more efficient supervision and a balanced life. Personal Development Goal 3 Specific: Clearly define the goal. Is it specific? Complete my graduate studies and obtain my Master’s degree by the end of 2023. Measurable: How will you measure success? List two indicators. Completion of an assessment each week. Completion of each course by the end of each month. Attainable: What skills, knowledge, or resources do you have to accomplish the goal? Flexibility to work at my own pace due to the absence of strict deadlines set by the school. Relevant: What will be the result of achieving this goal? Career advancement upon obtaining my Master’s degree. Time-Bound: What is the timeline to complete this goal? By the end of October 2023. Reflection: Achieving this goal will enhance my self-esteem, career prospects, and job satisfaction. MHA FPX 5042 Assessment 1 Goal Setting References CourseHero. (2024). MHA-FPX5042-ReidCarlos-Assessment1-1.docx. Retrieved from Download Free Sample Get Capella University Free MHA Samples MHA FPX 5010 MHA FPX 5020 MHA FPX 5042 MHA FPX 5040 MHA FPX 5016 MHA FPX 5012 MHA FPX 5014 MHA FPX 5017 Get Free Samples of any Class/Assignment

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