Online Class Assignment

MKT FPX 5410 Assessment 2 Social Media Plan for Spokin’ Wheels

MKT FPX 5410 Assessment 2 Social Media Plan for Spokin’ Wheels


Student Name

Capella University

MKT-FPX5410 Digital Marketing

Prof. Name




Following the definition of the marketing mix for Spokin’ Wheels and the establishment of an online presence, the next imperative step is to explore the realm of social media. Spokin’ Wheels must create select profiles on various social media platforms to cultivate a following. While the company is already well-recognized locally, the goal now is to extend its influence to the digital world and social media. Leveraging social media for marketing opens up endless opportunities for creativity, provided it is executed effectively and managed efficiently. Similar to tending to a garden, social media marketing requires continuous attention, engagement, and activity to thrive.

Social Platforms


When discussing social media, prominent platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn come to mind. Search engines are also considered part of the social media category due to their incorporation of customer reviews and company responses. Active participation, sharing, and engagement are essential for utilizing these platforms effectively for marketing purposes. As defined by CIPR, social media encompasses internet and mobile-based channels/tools facilitating user interaction, content sharing, and community building (Caffery & Smith, 2017, p. 225).

There exist ten different types of social media platforms, ranging from social networks for consumers and businesses to social commerce. Notable platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. Each serves distinct purposes, such as social publishing and news, social commenting in blogs, social customer service, and social commerce. The diagram below illustrates the diverse possibilities of social media marketing across various channels.


With numerous platforms available and diverse ways to leverage them, it may initially seem overwhelming. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the most suitable avenues and strategies. As emphasized in the text, successful social media marketing has the potential to transform businesses into more customer-centric entities, requiring leadership commitment, vision definition, and resource allocation (Caffery & Smith, 2017, p. 232).

Customer Persona


A customer persona refers to a type of person who may be an existing customer or someone with the potential to become one. Understanding both current and potential customers is essential for effective marketing. Spokin’ Wheels, with physical locations, aims to cater to both in-person and online customers. The in-person customers are categorized as the “ROPO” (Research Online, Purchase Offline) persona, who make in-house purchases but use the website for product research or information on scheduled rides.

Another focus is on online customers, referred to as the “Millennial” persona, incorporating types such as “searchers” and “wanderers.” Searchers are individuals intent on buying and appreciate new products and easy checkout processes, while wanderers require engagement and honest consumer reviews. Recognizing these personas helps tailor marketing strategies to cater to the preferences and behaviors of different customer segments (Perc, n.d.).

Benchmarking and Goal Setting


Effectively utilizing social media for Spokin’ Wheels’ growth is not only imperative but highly achievable with well-defined goals. The 5 S’s of Digital Marketing (Sell, Speak, Serve, Save, and Sizzle) from the established marketing mix plan will guide the goal-setting process.

Sell: To enhance online presence, Spokin’ Wheels will redesign its website for user-friendliness and maintain an updated online inventory. Social media tags will be incorporated on every webpage, offering easy access for customers to follow the company’s pages. Social media platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram, will be chosen for constant engagement, information dissemination, and sales announcements. The goal is to gain 250 followers on each platform within the first month.

Speak: Engaging followers is critical, and Spokin’ Wheels plans to host weekly contests to increase followers, encourage content sharing, and promote brand loyalty. Utilizing a mix of paid, earned, and owned media, the company aims to reach a broader audience. Unique hashtags will be created for followers to use, fostering a sense of community and interaction.

Serve: By providing platforms for customer engagement and feedback, Spokin’ Wheels allows its customers to share their experiences, leave reviews, and interact with each other. This two-way communication fosters brand promotion and builds relationships.

Save: The digital nature of social media offers immediate cost savings by encouraging a shift to a paperless environment. Spokin’ Wheels aims to go completely paperless by digitizing records and transitioning customer service representatives to online chats or phone calls. Cross-posting content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook will save time and reach diverse audiences simultaneously.

Sizzle: Exploring creative opportunities, Spokin’ Wheels envisions utilizing virtual reality to provide unique experiences for its audience. Capturing scheduled rides through mounted cameras and potentially developing an app for personal statistics and friendly competitions will add a captivating “sizzle” to the brand.



Monitoring: Despite having a dedicated social media team, it is crucial to establish a system for monitoring content and processes. This involves aligning goals and responsibilities across various departments, including sales, customer support, human resources, public relations, and marketing.

Governance: Distinguishing between personal and professional use of social media is essential to maintain brand consistency. A social media handbook will be developed to guide specialists on target audience considerations, brand guidelines, and acceptable content.

Listening: Listening to customers goes beyond reading their posts; it involves understanding their needs, habits, and influencers. Tools such as social monitoring and social research, along with hashtags and search engines, will aid in actively listening to customer feedback and preferences.



While Spokin’ Wheels is a well-established business with physical locations, expanding into the digital world through social media is crucial for sustained success. The revamped website and dedicated social media team position the company for this expansion. Leveraging Facebook and Instagram will not only broadcast the brand to new audiences but also create an online community for cyclists to interact and share their passion for the brand.



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MKT FPX 5410 Assessment 2 Social Media Plan for Spokin’ Wheels

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