Online Class Assignment

NHS FPX 8002 Assessment 2 Personal Leadership Portrait Part 1

Student Name

Capella University

NHS-FPX 8002 Collaboration, Communication, and Case Analysis for Doctoral Learners

Prof. Name


Personal Leadership Portrait

A personal leadership portrait in healthcare involves self-evaluating one’s leadership style and qualities in the healthcare profession. This image is constructed based on individual unique experiences, values, and beliefs, serving as a guide for personal and professional growth. Leadership styles such as transactional, transformational, servant, charismatic, contingency, and trait distinguish leaders. The result of the leadership portrait self-evaluation in this case was transformational, with the primary goal being to motivate and inspire others to collaborate as a team. This assessment explores components such as diversity, inclusion, communication, collaboration, and professionalism essential for becoming an effective leader.

Personal Approach to Leadership

Effective leadership necessitates a blend of leadership traits, strategic and technical awareness, and emotional intelligence. In the dynamic and complex healthcare industry, leaders must adapt, keep pace with changes, and implement strategies beneficial to the organization and team. Transformational leadership appears to be a characteristic already possessed, aligning with ethical leadership principles. Encouragement and motivation, crucial characteristics of transformational leadership, play a central role in my role as a clinical and lab instructor, where producing a more professionally educated nurse is the ultimate goal (Jambawo, 2018).

Change Management and Emotional Intelligence

Change is inevitable, and as a leader, incorporating change while considering others’ feelings is crucial. Emotional intelligence is essential for effective healthcare leadership, involving managing emotions, fostering positive relationships, and navigating complex dynamics. The five characteristics of emotional intelligenceā€”self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skillā€”are vital in healthcare leadership (Issah, 2018). As a professor and an emergency room nurse, effective communication is imperative, and different situations may warrant varying leadership styles, such as transactional, servant, or charismatic, depending on the context (Styles of Leadership Matrix, 2023).

Interprofessional Communication, Collaboration, and Change Management

Effective healthcare leadership requires building interprofessional relationships, engaging the community, and managing change for enhanced patient outcomes. As a transformational leader, collaboration and communication with diverse healthcare members are vital to achieving common goals. Implementing best practices, fostering respect, encouraging discussions, and providing professional development opportunities contribute to successful change management (Jambawo, 2018).

Ethical Leadership in Professional Practice

Principles of ethical leadership play a crucial role in guiding professional practice. Ethical leaders serve as moral role models, emphasizing the importance of promoting patients’ well-being, respecting autonomy, and ensuring fair and just healthcare decisions. Ethical principles such as honesty, fairness, integrity, and respect align with traits exhibited by ethical leaders, influencing followers to uphold ethical conduct (Jambawo, 2018). The nursing code of ethics, based on the work of Florence Nightingale, serves as a foundation for ethical leadership in healthcare.

Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care Leadership

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of effective healthcare leadership, aiming to value and celebrate differences among individuals and groups. Health equity, defined by the World Health Organization, strives for fair and preventable health outcome discrepancies across different groups (Health Equity, 2021). A leader promoting diversity and inclusion implements best practices, understanding diverse backgrounds, fostering an inclusive environment, and actively involving patients and the community in decision-making processes (Debesay et al., 2022).

Scholar-Practitioner in Healthcare

A scholar-practitioner in healthcare is adept in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Critical thinking is crucial for evaluating complex information and making informed decisions. Scholar-practitioners in healthcare contribute to the field by conducting research, advancing policies and practices, and mentoring future leaders. They expand healthcare knowledge, improve quality and safety, and address real-world challenges through the application of theoretical understanding and practical experience (Zaccagnini et al., 2022).


Effective leadership in healthcare involves creating an environment where individuals can freely express themselves, encouraging collaboration, and fostering positive motivation. Transformational leadership aligns with ethical behavior, promoting justice and fairness regardless of background. A leader should embody the role of a scholar-practitioner, utilizing both theoretical knowledge and practical experience to address challenges and benefit both patients and the organization.


Debesay, J., Arora, S., & Fougner, M. (2022). Healthcare Workersā€™ and Ward Nursesā€™ Experiences: Organisational Culture and Ethnic Diversity in Nursing Homes. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1).Ā

Gaines, K. (2022). What Is the Nursing Code of Ethics?Ā

Health equity. (2021). World Health Organization.Ā

Issah, M. (2018). Change Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. Sage Open.Ā

Jambawo, S. (2018). Transformational Leadership and Ethical Leadership: Their Significance in the Mental Healthcare System. British Journal of Nursing, 27(17), 998-1001.Ā

Jhamb, S., & Carlson, K. W. (2020). Managing Workplace Ethical Dilemmas, Perceptual Ethical Leadership, Accountability, and Management Outcomes: A Critical Review and Future Directions. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 22(9), 53-67.ĀĀ %26pq-origsite=summon&accountid=27965

Strategies for Patient, Family, and Caregiver Engagement. (2019). Agency for Healthcare and Research Policy.Ā

NHS FPX 8002 Assessment 2 Personal Leadership Portrait Part 1