Online Class Assignment

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3 Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development notes

Student Name

Capella University

NURS-FPX 8014 Global Population Health

Prof. Name




Diabetes, a pervasive global health issue, demands urgent attention due to its impact on millions of individuals worldwide. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that 463 million adults aged 20-79 have diabetes, with projections reaching 578 million by 2030 (Saeedi et al., 2019). This chronic condition significantly contributes to premature deaths, sight loss, renal failure, heart attacks, and strokes. Stakeholders globally are actively engaged in strategic planning and policy development to address this escalating crisis (Hendricks et al., 2023).


World Health Organization (WHO)

The WHO spearheads the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, including diabetes. By 2025, the plan aims to reduce early deaths from such diseases by 25% through cost-effective policies. The IDF established the Diabetes and COVID-19 task force during the pandemic, advocating for equitable access to diabetes care (World Health Organization, 2022).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC in the U.S. launched the National Diabetes Prevention Program, focusing on lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes. The European Diabetes Forum, supported by the European Union (EU), collaborates to develop diabetes prevention and management policies (Prevention, 2020).

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

In Australia, NHMRC crafted the National Diabetes Strategy for 2016-2020, outlining the nationā€™s approach to mitigate the impact of diabetes (Krass et al., 2023).


Addressing the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), I emphasized culturally sensitive strategies for diabetes management. School nurses, pivotal in diabetes care for school-aged children, form a critical audience for this discussion (Bergren, 2022).


My preparation involved comprehensive research on diabetes, incorporating causes, prevalence, and global initiatives. Expert consultations ensured the cultural sensitivity of proposed strategies. Utilizing reputable sources like the WHO and American Diabetes Association, along with a survey of school nurses, enriched the depth of my recommendations (Largent, 2021).


Culturally Sensitive Education Programs

  • Develop programs considering cultural beliefs, practices, and dietary habits.
  • Ensure accessibility and usefulness of information (Brooks et al., 2019).

Community-Based Interventions

  • Establish peer support groups with community leaders to encourage healthy behaviors (Pamungkas & Chamroonsawasdi, 2019).

Affordable Access to Medication

  • Advocate for policies supporting affordable diabetes medication and supplies (Mohan et al., 2019).

Healthy Eating Policies

  • Implement policies encouraging access to culturally appropriate and healthy foods (Gruss et al., 2019).


Diabetes, a global health concern, necessitates strategic investment in sustainable resources and policy development. Advocating for NASNā€™s involvement in promoting diabetes prevention and management policies aligns with their mission and contributes to better health outcomes (Bergren, 2022).


  • National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)
  • National Service Framework for Diabetes (NSFD)
  • Sugar Tax
  • Diabetes Registry in Mauritius


Investing in sustainable resources, like green spaces and access to healthy food, and advocating for evidence-based policies are crucial steps. Collaborating with organizations like NASN aligns with the broader goal of promoting a healthier and more sustainable future (Chung et al., 2020).


The presentation garnered active engagement, with participants appreciating the significance of sustainable resources and policy development. Valuable lessons highlighted the need for collaboration, long-term planning, and financial commitment for successful implementation (Galindo et al., 2021).


To enhance future advocacy, incorporating more examples and case studies showcasing successful utilization of sustainable resources would be beneficial. The presentationā€™s positive reception affirmed the potential impact and emphasized the importance of addressing global health challenges collaboratively (Galindo et al., 2021).


The presentation emphasized diabetes as a global health concern and underscored the importance of evidence-based policies and sustainable resources. Healthcare professionals should stay informed, collaborate, and address healthcare disparities to effectively manage diabetes. NASNā€™s role in advocating for policies aligns with the organizationā€™s mission, contributing to a healthier future (Kerr and Glantz, 2020).


Global efforts to address diabetes demand strategic planning, culturally sensitive approaches, and sustainable resource investment. Collaborative advocacy, involving organizations like NASN, is pivotal for successful policy development and implementation. By prioritizing evidence-based strategies and cultivating a shared commitment, we can work towards mitigating the impact of diabetes on individuals and communities worldwide.



Bergren, M. D.Ā (2022).Ā Shine a light on school nurses.Ā The Journal of School Nursing, 38(4), 325ā€“325.Ā

Brooks, L. A., Manias, E., & Bloomer, M. J.Ā (2019).Ā Culturally sensitive communication in healthcare: A concept analysis.Ā Collegian, 26(3), 383ā€“391.Ā

Chung, W. K., Erion, K., Florez, J. C., Hattersley, A. T., Hivert, M.-F., Lee, C. G., McCarthy, M. I., Nolan, J. J., Norris, J. M., Pearson, E. R., Philipson, L., McElvaine, A. T., Cefalu, W. T., Rich, S. S., & Franks, P. W.Ā (2020).Ā Precision medicine in diabetes: A consensus report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).Ā Diabetes Care, 43(7), 1617ā€“1635.Ā

Curran, K., Piyasena, P., Congdon, N., Duke, L., Malanda, B., & Peto, T.Ā (2023).Ā Inclusion of diabetic retinopathy screening strategies in national-level diabetes care planning in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review.Ā Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1).Ā

Galindo, R., Parkin, C. G., Aleppo, G., Carlson, A., Kruger, D., Levy, C., Umpierrez, G., & McGill, J. B.Ā (2021).Ā Whatā€™s wrong with this picture? A critical review of current CMS coverage criteria for CGM.Ā Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.Ā

Gong, Q., Zhang, P., Wang, J., Ma, J., An, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, B., Feng, X., Li, H., Chen, X., Cheng, Y. J., Gregg, E. W., Hu, Y., Bennett, P. H., Li, G., Qian, X., Zhang, L., Hui, Y., He, S., & Wang, X.Ā (2019).Ā Morbidity and mortality after lifestyle intervention for people with impaired glucose tolerance: 30-year results of the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study.Ā The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 7(6), 452ā€“461.Ā

Grummon, A. H., Lockwood, B. B., Taubinsky, D., & Allcott, H.Ā (2019).Ā Designing better sugary drink taxes.Ā Science, 365(6457), 989ā€“990.Ā

Gruss, S. M., Nhim, K., Gregg, E., Bell, M., Luman, E., & Albright, A.Ā (2019).Ā Public health approaches to type 2 diabetes prevention: The US National Diabetes Prevention Program and beyond.Ā Current Diabetes Reports, 19(9).Ā

Hendricks, L., Uwimana-Nicol, J., & Young, T.Ā (2023).Ā Decision makersā€™ perceptions and experiences of developing population-level interventions targeting risk factors for hypertension and diabetes in South Africa: A qualitative study.Ā BMC Health Services Research, 23(1).Ā

Kerr, D., & Glantz, N.Ā (2020).Ā Diabetes, like COVID-19, is a wicked problem.Ā The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 8(11), 873ā€“874.Ā

Khan, M. A., Hashim, M. J., King, J., Govender, R. D., Mustafa, H., & Al Kaabi, J.Ā (2020).Ā Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes ā€“ Global burden of disease and forecasted trends.Ā Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 10(1).Ā

Kirkman, M. S., Tuncer, D., & Brown, C. E.Ā (2019).Ā Findings from a national diabetes survey: Highlighting progress and opportunities for diabetes prevention and care.Ā Diabetes Spectrum, 32(3), 277ā€“283.Ā

Krass, I., Carter, R., Mitchell, B., Mohebbi, M., Shih, S. T. F., Trinder, P., Versace, V. L., Wilson, F., & Mc Namara, K. P.Ā (2023).Ā Pharmacy Diabetes Screening Trial (PDST): Outcomes of a national clustered RCT comparing three screening methods for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in community pharmacy.Ā Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 197, 110566.Ā


usi-Ampofo, O.* (2021).Ā Negotiating change: Ideas, institutions, and political actors in tobacco control policy making in Mauritius.* Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 46(3), 435ā€“465.Ā

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3 Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development notes

Largent, P.Ā (2021).Ā Advocacy for school nurses and student health and safety: Highlighting national and state efforts.Ā NASN School Nurse.ĀƗ211019136

Mohan, V., Khunti, K., Chan, S. P., Filho, F. F., Tran, N. Q., Ramaiya, K., Joshi, S., Mithal, A., Mbaye, M. N., Nicodemus, N. A., Latt, T. S., Ji, L., Elebrashy, I. N., & Mbanya, J. C.Ā (2019).Ā Management of type 2 diabetes in developing countries: Balancing optimal glycaemic control and outcomes with affordability and accessibility to treatment.Ā Diabetes Therapy, 11(1), 15ā€“35.Ā

Nundoochan, A.Ā (2020).Ā Improving public hospital efficiency and fiscal space implications: The case of Mauritius.Ā International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1).Ā

Pamungkas, R. A., & Chamroonsawasdi, K.Ā (2019).Ā HbA1c reduction and weight-loss outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of community-based intervention trials among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Ā International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries.Ā

Prevention, C. for D. C. and.Ā (2020).Ā Interim guidance for businesses and employers responding to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), May 2020.Ā

Ritchie, N. D., Baucom, K. J., & Sauder, K. A.Ā (2020).Ā Current perspectives on the impact of the National Diabetes Prevention Program: Building on successes and overcoming challenges.Ā Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 13, 2949ā€“2957.Ā

Saeedi, P., Petersohn, I., Salpea, P., Malanda, B., Karuranga, S., Unwin, N., Colagiuri, S., Guariguata, L., Motala, A. A., Ogurtsova, K., Shaw, J. E., Bright, D., & Williams, R.Ā (2019).Ā Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition.Ā Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 157, 107843.Ā

Santos, J. A., Tekle, D., Rosewarne, E., Flexner, N., Cobb, L., Al-Jawaldeh, A., Kim, W. J., Breda, J., Whiting, S., Campbell, N., Neal, B., Webster, J., & Trieu, K.Ā (2021).Ā A systematic review of salt reduction initiatives around the world: A midterm evaluation of progress towards the 2025 global non-communicable diseases salt reduction target.Ā Advances in Nutrition.Ā

Shah, N. A., & Levy, C. J.Ā (2021).Ā Emerging technologies for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.Ā Journal of Diabetes, 13(9), 713ā€“724.Ā

Shanta, F. F., & Biswas, D.Ā (2021).Ā Type-2 DM and its complication and relationship among the patients at Rajshahi Diabetes Association General Hospital: Socio-demographic characteristics.Ā Randwick International of Social Science Journal, 2(4), 411ā€“415.Ā

Toofanee, M. S. A., Dowlut, B. Sabeena., Balcou-Debussche, M., Debussche, X., Lahausse, V., & Nisa, L.Ā (2022, May 1).Ā A mobile application to empower diabetic patients enrolled in a therapeutic patient education programme in Mauritius.Ā IEEE Xplore.