Online Class Assignment

PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise

PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise

Student Name

Capella University

PSYC FPX 3002 Developing a Psychology Perspective

Prof. Name


Creating a Timetable for Balancing Commitments and Education


Creating a well-organized timetable that accommodates both personal commitments and educational pursuits is essential for effective time management. This schedule aims to balance various aspects of life, including work, family, chores, education, and leisure activities.

Your Schedule

11 p.m.ā€“6 a.m.SleepSleepSleepSleepSleepFamily/ SleepFamily/ Sleep
6 a.m.ā€“8 a.m.Breakfast prep, eat & clean upBreakfast prep, eat & clean upBreakfast prep, eat & clean upBreakfast prep, eat & clean upBreakfast prep, eat & clean upExtra sleepMake, dine, and clear breakfast table/ Morning affirmations
8 a.m.ā€“10 a.m.WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkMeditation and Bible study/ WorshipMeditation and Bible study/ Worship
10 a.m.ā€“12 p.m.Review assignmentsClass discussion submissionsHomeworkHomeworkGym session/ Project workCheck academic progress/ AssistanceChurch/ Lunch
12 p.m.ā€“2 p.m.Prepare lunch/ ExerciseGrocery shopping/ Lunch preparationChurch visit/ LunchLunch/ Household tasksLunch/ Health checkupsFamily time/ LunchFamily/ Lunch
2 p.m.ā€“4 p.m.Post-work routine/ Check messagesHomework preparationPhysical activity/ MeditationHomework completion/ ReflectionStudy/ Social engagementStudy/ Family timeHomework/ Family time
4 p.m.ā€“6 p.m.StudyWorkStudyWork/ Family timeChores/ Family timeRelaxation/ PlanningHousehold tasks/ Planning
6 p.m.ā€“8 p.m.Laundry/ Dinner preparationAttend to mails/ MeditationHousehold chores/ Dinner prepJob search/ DinnerWorkout/ House choresMeal planning/ Health checkupsDinner/ Family time
8 p.m.ā€“10 p.m.Leisure activities/ Nighttime ritualsReflect on the day/ RelaxationCareer planning/ CommunicationRelaxation/ ReadingRelaxation/ CommunicationMeditation/ ReadingFamily time/ Relaxation

Answering Questions

  1. Career Goal:Ā My career goal as a psychology major is to earn a degree that will enable me to deepen my understanding of human behavior and enhance my ability to help individuals struggling with addiction.

PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise

  1. Top Priorities:

    • Personal connection with God
    • Family/ Kids
    • My health

      Lowest Priorities:

    • Taking in TV time
    • Time wasted on meaningless web surfing
    • Spending time with negative, unhelpful, and toxic individuals
  2. Time Management Conflicts:Ā If conflicts arise between my priorities, I will prioritize my children and adjust other tasks accordingly. Keeping a to-do list will help me stay focused on my academic goals.

  3. Shifting Activities for School:Ā To fit school into my schedule, I have delegated household tasks to my spouse and replaced leisure activities with study sessions.

  4. Handling Schedule Changes:Ā In case of technical issues, I will use alternative devices for coursework. If unable to complete tasks, I will utilize weekends to catch up.

  5. Commitment to Plan:Ā I commit to following this plan diligently to achieve my career goal in psychology.


Huffman, K. (2023). Psychology in Action (8th ed.). [Include publishing information here]

PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise