PSYC FPX 3540 Assessment 2 Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?
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PSYC FPX 3540 Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity
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Gentrification: Impacts on Communities and Segregation
Gentrification is a process touted as a means to revitalize neighborhoods by enhancing their economic identity. It involves repurposing impoverished areas to attract individuals and businesses capable of improving the existing conditions. This paper examines both the immediate and long-term effects of gentrification on communities, particularly its role in fostering segregation along cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines.
Despite its purported benefits, gentrification has often led to detrimental consequences for both communities and individuals residing within them. Economic inequality has worsened, and divisions between middle and lower classes have deepened as a result. Gentrification tends to erase a community’s previous cultural identity while failing to improve the quality of life for relocated individuals, exacerbating social problems.
Mechanisms of Displacement
One of the primary mechanisms driving displacement in gentrifying neighborhoods is the increase in rents, leading to the eviction of long-time residents and local businesses. Additionally, housing policies influenced by higher-income households perpetuate income segregation, further marginalizing low-income individuals. The discomfort between different socioeconomic classes perpetuates division and fosters negative stereotypes, hindering social cohesion.
Neglecting Existing Residents
While gentrification may bring physical improvements to communities and attract affluent residents, it often disregards the needs and perspectives of existing residents. The displacement of long-time inhabitants risks alienating communities and disrupting their social fabric. Viewing gentrification solely as a form of revitalization overlooks its negative consequences and perpetuates unequal distribution of political power.
In conclusion, gentrification exacerbates segregation and divides communities, necessitating a more inclusive approach to neighborhood revitalization. Policies should prioritize the voices and needs of existing residents to foster genuine social and economic development.
Aráuz, A. C. (2018). Efectos no esperados del proceso de gentrificación. Bitácora Urbano Territorial, 28(2), 25–33.
Atkinson, R. (2004). The evidence on the impact of gentrification: New lessons for the urban renaissance? European Journal of Housing Policy, 4(1), 107–131.
D’Angelo, R., & Douglas, H. (2017). Taking sides: Clashing views in race and ethnicity (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
PSYC FPX 3540 Assessment 2 Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?
Drew, E. M. (2012). “Listening through White Ears”: Cross-Racial Dialogues as a Strategy to Address the Racial Effects of Gentrification. Journal of Urban Affairs, 34(1), 99–115.
McLeod, S. A. (2019). Social identity theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
Payne, M. (2018). When nowhere becomes somewhere: Gentrification in rural communities and how proactive community planning and progressive property valuation system can stem the tide. Kentucky Law Journal, 107(4),727-746.
Reardon, S. F., & Bischoff, K. (2011). Income Inequality and Income Segregation. American Journal of Sociology, 116(4), 1092–1153.
Shaw, K. S., & Hagemans, I. W. (2015). ‘Gentrification Without Displacement and the Consequent Loss of Place: The Effects of Class Transition on Low-income Residents of Secure Housing in Gentrifying Areas. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(2), 323–341.
PSYC FPX 3540 Assessment 2 Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?
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