Online Class Assignment

PSYC FPX 4100 Assessment 1 Community Presentation

PSYC FPX 4100 Assessment 1 Community Presentation

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Capella University

PSYC FPX 4100 History and Modern Systems of Psychology

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Psychology in the Middle East has garnered attention due to its unique cultural and historical context. The exploration of psychological phenomena in this region offers insights into the intersection of culture, religion, and psychology. Key Figures, Central Concerns, and Theoretical Conflicts have shaped the discourse within Middle East Psychology, creating a distinct perspective that contrasts with Western psychological frameworks (Hassan et al., 2021; Oakley et al., 2019).

Middle East Psychology

The Arab region, comprising 22 member states, spans across Asia and Africa and accounts for approximately 5% of the global population. This diverse area is characterized by geographic and economic divisions, with Islam serving as the predominant religion and Arabic as the official language (Saab et al., 2022).

Key Figures of Islamic Psychology

Islamic Psychology boasts a rich history, with notable figures such as Ibn Sina, Muhammed Zakariyah-e-Razi, Al-Ghazali, and Ibn-Khaldun contributing significantly to its development (Martyn Shuttleworth, 2019).

Central Concerns and Theoretical Conflicts

Muslim populations, particularly those residing in Western countries, encounter various challenges including spiritual, biopsychosocial, and economic hurdles. Despite these challenges, there is a growing recognition of the importance of mental health within Islamic teachings. Muslim mental health professionals play a crucial role in addressing these challenges through education, understanding, and research (Tanhan & Young, 2021).

How Psychology Offers Culturally Similar Perspectives

The American Psychological Association (APA) acknowledges the significance of religion in psychology through its division 36 “Psychology of Religion.” Research indicates a positive correlation between religiosity and mental well-being. By integrating Western psychological theories with Islamic principles, there is potential for the acceptance and development of Islamic psychology (Iqbal & Skinner, 2021; Oakley et al., 2019).

Evaluation of Similarities in Cultural Influences

The interrelation between Islam and the West encompasses socio-political, cultural, religious, and economic factors. Both cultures emphasize the concept of unconditional justice for all humanity, irrespective of race, religion, or ethnicity (Rifai, 2022).

Evaluation of Differences in Cultural Influences

Acculturated immigrants and ethnic minorities often face challenges related to language proficiency and cultural barriers, which can impact their access to mental health services (Dahlan et al., 2019).


Islamic and Western psychology share commonalities, particularly in the context of acculturation and advocacy for mental health care among immigrant populations. Emphasizing social justice regardless of cultural background is essential for promoting holistic well-being within diverse communities.


Dahlan, R., Badri, P., Saltaji, H., & Amin, M. (2019). Impact of acculturation on oral health among immigrants and ethnic minorities: A systematic review. PLOS ONE, 14(2), e0212891.Ā

Hassan, S. A., Mohamed, F., Sheikh, N., Basualdo, G., Daniel, N. A., Schwartz, R., Gebreselassie, B. T., Beyene, Y. K., Gabreselassie, L., Bayru, K., Tadesse, B., Libneh, H. A., Shidane, M., Benalfew, S., Ali, A., Rao, D., Patel, R. C., & Kerani, R. P. (2021, December 2). “They wait until the disease has taken over you and the doctors cannot do anything about it”: Qualitative insights from Harambee! 2.0. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 1-20.Ā

PSYC FPX 4100 Assessment 1 Community Presentation

Iqbal, N., & Skinner, R. (2021). Islamic psychology: Emergence and current challenges. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 43(1), 65ā€“77.Ā

Martyn Shuttleworth. (2019). Islamic Psychology ā€“ History of Psychology.Ā

Oakley, L. P., LĆ³pez-Cevallos, D. F., & Harvey, S. M. (2019, July 25). The association of cultural and structural factors with perceived medical mistrust among young adult Latinos in rural Oregon. Behavioral Medicine, 45(2), 118-127.Ā

Rifai, D. S. L. (2022, February 2). Islam and the West in Ali al-Namlah’s Reconciliatory Thought: Dr SLM RIFAI Part 1.Ā

Saab, R., Harb, C., Ayanian, A. H., Badaan, V., & Albzour, and M. (2022). Psychology in the Arab region: A critical perspective on challenges and ways forward. APS Observer, 35.Ā

Tanhan, A., & Young, J. S. (2021). Muslims and mental health services: A concept map and a theoretical framework. Journal of Religion and Health.Ā

PSYC FPX 4100 Assessment 1 Community Presentation