Online Class Assignment

PSYC FPX 4210 Assessment 2 Research Methodologies

Student Name

Capella University

PSYC FPX 4210 Cyberpsychology

Prof. Name



Cybersecurity breaches have become prevalent in today’s interconnected world, significantly impacting organizations and industries by compromising confidential information. As technology continues to advance, the vulnerability to cyber-attacks increases, necessitating a thorough examination of human-computer interactions and their covalent relationship. This paper delves into two research articles and methodologies that focus on human attributes and behaviors in the context of cybersecurity training.


The advent of technology and the widespread use of the internet by 58% of the global population (Clement, 2019) have given rise to the field of cyberpsychology. This interdisciplinary discipline explores the psychological processes underlying technologically interconnected human behavior, including cyborgs, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality (Atrill et al., 2019). With a focus on various theoretical perspectives and applications, cyberpsychology has implications for education, healthcare, workforce, and security. The paper highlights the transformative effect of technological intimacy on human perception and behavior.

Psychological Perspectives in Cybersecurity

As cybersecurity directly impacts daily life, understanding the psychological aspects of the cyber world becomes crucial. Security breaches and compromised information pose significant concerns, with hackers exploiting various online platforms. Psychologists, working collaboratively with IT professionals, play a vital role in identifying hackers and predicting behavior. This paper explores two research studies: one on the gamification of cybersecurity training and another on subjective habit formation in the context of cybersecurity.

Analysis 1: Successful Gamification of Cybersecurity Training

Steen and Deeleman’s (2021) study investigates the effectiveness of a serious game in improving Theory of Planned Behavior (Azjen, 1991) scores related to cybersecurity. The research, involving 258 participants, demonstrates that serious games positively impact self-reported TPB scores. Results indicate higher scores in attitudes, perceived behavior control intentions, and behavior compared to non-cybersecurity games. The study emphasizes the potential of serious gamification in cybersecurity training.

Analysis 2: Exploring Workers’ Subjective Experiences of Habit Formation in Cybersecurity: A Qualitative Survey

Collins and Hinds (2021) delve into cybersecurity habits in the workplace through a qualitative online survey. The study identifies themes related to forming habits, cultivating habits, and organizational influences. While the study has limitations, such as a relatively small sample size and lack of a control group, it suggests that habit-based interventions may be successful in developing cybersecurity behaviors at work.

Critique and Recommendations

The paper integrates Social Identity Theory and Social Learning Theory to offer insights into the commonalities of in-group membership and habit formation. Recommendations include leveraging these theories to enhance the effectiveness of cybersecurity training, considering distinctiveness threats, and addressing cognitive biases that contribute to human errors in cybersecurity breaches.


Cyberpsychology serves as a valuable lens to understand the intricate relationship between psychology and technology. Collaborative efforts between psychology and cybersecurity are essential to design effective strategies and software to combat cybercrime. This paper emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary research to promote a cyber-safe world.


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PSYC FPX 4210 Assessment 2 Research Methodologies

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PSYC FPX 4210 Assessment 2 Research Methodologies