Online Class Assignment

PSY FPX 7520 Assessment 4 Executive Coaching

PSY FPX 7520 Assessment 4 Executive Coaching

PSY FPX 7520 Assessment 4 Executive Coaching

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Capella University

PSY FPX 7520 Social Psychology

Prof. Name



Groupthink seeks to consolidate employees into a cohesive entity, prioritizing collective objectives over pragmatic alternatives, serving as a potent tool for organizational triumph. This assessment explores strategies for augmenting employee ingenuity through insights from social psychology and the social dynamics influencing groupthink.


In environments fraught with stress, decision-making may falter, leading to a cascade of subpar choices and organizational hurdles such as elevated turnover rates. Initiatives aimed at team-building provide a platform to identify and alleviate flaws in decision-making, thus fostering independent thought and diminishing the influence of social pressures.

Enhancing Cognitive Efficiency

Grasping the genesis of groupthink within an organization establishes the basis for its alleviation. Groupthink, as delineated by Hassan (2014), materializes as a collective reluctance to explore alternative courses of action, propelled by a quest for group unity. This phenomenon undermines cognitive sharpness and ethical discernment, often resulting in the ascendancy of a select few leaders within a group.

Impact on Decision-Making

Pressure within group dynamics can precipitate rash decisions, further clouding cognitive clarity and ethical judgment. Authoritarian figures may arise, suppressing dissenting voices and perpetuating a homogeneous mindset (Hassan, 2014).

Role of Social Psychology

Social psychology elucidates how individuals’ behaviors and responses are molded by social contexts. In healthcare settings, issues such as organizational inefficiencies and a deficiency in creative problem-solving stem from groupthink dynamics. Formal procedures aligned with institutional objectives can counteract these tendencies, nurturing collaboration and decision-making efficacy (Maiha & Saidu, 2014).

Influencing Factors

Empowering staff in decision-making processes, devoid of emotional barriers, is pivotal. Social dynamics and individual personalities shape group dynamics, with assertive individuals more inclined to voice dissenting viewpoints. An environment conducive to diverse perspectives fosters creativity and enhances decision-making quality (Madigosky & Schaik, 2016).

Strategies to Minimize Groupthink

Limiting group size and encouraging diverse input can mitigate the drawbacks of groupthink. Personality diversity within teams fosters innovative thinking, while cultural considerations enrich decision-making processes, ensuring broader participation and a harmonious atmosphere (Maiha & Saidu, 2014; Pratkanis & Turner, 2013).

PSY FPX 7520 Assessment 4 Executive Coaching


Groupthink stifles creativity and impedes organizational advancement. By recognizing and addressing its manifestations, organizations can cultivate a more dynamic and resilient workplace culture, conducive to innovation and sustainable growth.


Hassan, M. A. G. (2014). Groupthink principles and fundamentals in organizations. Retrieved from

Madigosky, W., & Schaik, S. (2016). Context matters: groupthink and outcomes of health care teams. Medical Education, 50(4), 387-389.

Maiha, A. H., & Saidu, U. (2014). Local Government Administration And Its Impending Problems In Recent Times. International Journal of Social Sciences, 9(9).

PSY FPX 7520 Assessment 4 Executive Coaching

Pratkanis, A. R., & Turner, M. E. (2013). Methods for counteracting groupthink risk: a critical appraisal. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM), 2(4), 18-38.