NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
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NURS-FPX 4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions
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Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
Good day, everyone. I’m Leena. I am making this video to deliverĀ an evidence-based plan of care for distant collaborative efforts to improve care quality and safety. I will also discuss the significance of choosing the appropriate evidence-based practice method. Furthermore, the advantages of the strategy and approaches to address the issues associated with distant interaction and collaboration will be presented in this video (Theobald et al., 2018).
The coronavirus outbreak has exposed the inability of healthcare administrations to provide fast and adequate patient treatment to improve the quality of care and safeguard patients’ safety. The difficulty of medical institutions interacting across different healthcare institutions is one of the main causes. Additionally, nursing staff and other healthcare professionals encounter several problems that harm healthcare organizations and institutions. When patients are located far from their doctors, it is challenging to manage their care. It may be necessary to use a variety of technologies to provide high-quality evidence-based care when healthcare practitioners and patients are not in the same area. Barriers, in this case, can be reduced by using multidisciplinary solutions in combination with a well-planned EBP strategy (Kar et al., 2020).
The Remote Collaboration Scenario
I will now discussĀ the Vila Hospital remote collaboration case. A two-year-old girl named Caitlynn was admitted to the emergency ward after getting pneumonia. Dr. Erica Copeland formed a comprehensive team of medical specialists, comprising Rebecca Helgo (respiratory therapist) and Virginia Anderson (nurse), to design a credible plan for the treatment ofĀ Caitlynn who suffered fromĀ pneumonia. Copeland examined the patient properly and discovered that she already had respiratory problems. Dr. Copeland alsoĀ determinedĀ that Caitlynn had been hospitalized once during the previous six months for pneumonia care. Since her childhood, she had been dealing with meconium fecal impaction. As a result,Ā Dr. Coupland nebulized her and applied chest compressions to help Caitlynn feel better. The viscous sputum caused respiratory difficulties when the spray was breathed. Caitlynn weighed 20.7 pounds. Around her appendages, sheĀ was covered in damaged tissue. Based on her sweat chlorine test and discussion among doctors and other specialists cystic fibrosis was identified.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
Caitlyn’sĀ skilled medical team has established that developing a treatment plan and monitoring her development is essential. Traveling is not encouraged for people with cystic fibrosis because Caitlynn lives in McHenry, which is about an hour away. Her condition was treated by the doctor using pancreatic enzymes, a high-protein diet, gasping breathing therapy, or nebulizer remedies. She can’t use puffing breaths, putting her at risk for inadequate oxygen supply and respiratory infections that could make her feel agitated and restless. It is suggested that the patient’s physician and parents be informed to instruct them on how to monitor and treat the patient’s condition. Additionally, telemedicine via Skype discussions and online communication with a social welfare expert need to be discussed.
Evidence-Based Care Plan to Improve the Safety and Outcomes of the Patient
To enhance the patient’s safety and results,Ā I will now put out an evidence-based care plan. When doctors and patients are far apart, as in the case of Caitlyn, telemedicine is an evidence-based technology to provide healthcare facilities to enhance patient outcomes. Through the use of telemedicine, patients can be examined, treated, and evaluated. To communicate with the nearby good hospitals having more advanced facilities, the rural healthcare services can use a teleconferencing approach. In this scenario, the pediatrician of Caitlyn who is Dr.Benjamin can utilize a telehealth approach to connect with Valley City Regional Hospital. As a result,Ā Caitlynn will be able to easilyĀ obtain monitoring and guidance from various medical professionals. NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care. Through videoconferencing, Caitlynn’s family can also continue to learn about cystic fibrosis treatment. The Bergan are given the assistance they need to handle caring for a child with progressing serious disease. In a remote location where resources would not otherwise be available an interdisciplinary team that is accessible online and over the phone prove very helpful for the examination and treatmentĀ (Amaraweera & Halgamuge, 2019).
Capella 4030 Assessment 4
The treatment plan for Caitlyn comprises nutrition counseling, breathing exercises, chest physiotherapy, and medicines administration. An illness termed cystic fibrosis harms the lungs, digestive system, as well as other organs. Capella 4030 Assessment 4. A faulty gene that can be passed down from one generation to the next is the cause of this inherited disease. The cells that make sweat, digestive fluids, and mucus are impacted by cystic fibrosis (De Boeck, 2020).
Various therapies and methods can be used to manage the severe situation ofĀ cystic fibrosis because it us incurable. Caitlynn’s treatment plan include pancreatic enzymes so that she can easily digest the nutrients. Caitlynn’s plan of care also includes chest physical therapy that includes percussion, vibration, and deep breathing. To help her clear mucus, aerosol breathing is also involved in the plan. Capella 4030 Assessment 4. Moreover, it can also help her enhance her lung capacity by maintaining. Her mother liked the chest physiotherapy when she came to know much about it. Furthermore, the respiratory therapist offered continued guidance and support regarding the use of a heartbeat monitor and respiration rate monitor to monitor care through the use of videoconferencing. The information acquired by the monitoring system helps identify when a medical emergency is necessary or when a condition is getting worse (Albahri et al., 2018).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
For any action throughout the whole telemedicine system, the patient has access to a quick support key by their side. The detrimental consequences of cystic fibrosis have been demonstrated to be lessened byĀ the monitoring system. Due to this,Ā nurses and medical staff easily track the patient’s rehabilitation. Parents of patients are not required to visit the hospital, which reduces the need for unwanted hospital stays and cuts healthcare costs(Jensen et al., 2019).
However, the technology enables healthcare professionals to communicate through virtual meetings from their homesĀ and it greatly lessens their stress and anxiety.Ā Therefore, video calls and healthcare information technology lessened challenges by making it easier to identify a variety of problems (Rubinger et al., 2020).
Evidence-Based Practice Model
I will now talk about using the EBP model to create a treatment strategy. I will alsoĀ examine the advantages of making sound evidence-based decisions. To support the adoption of evidence-based practice, healthcare providers have created a range of evidence-based practice models. A model for dealing with medical issues, like cystic fibrosis, is the Johns Hopkins evidence-based model. As it tackles medical decisions by utilizing all pertinent problem-solving techniques. Due to its benefits,Ā it is a well-liked modelĀ among experts (Adams, 2022). The concept has been altered to meet the EBP requirements of the patient care nursing personnel. These concepts operate as organizing principles for optimal cystic fibrosis patient quality care by leveraging the most current findings. The Johns Hopkins EBP model is a process for deciding on medical care that comes with easy-to-use tools to help individuals through it (Martinez et al., 2018).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
According to Tsistinas, (2020), the first step in the John Hopkins Model is the recruitment of an interprofessional team. In this plan, the interprofessional team will consist of Dr. Erica Copeland, Rebecca Helgo, and Virginia Anderson. The second step in the model is defining the problem. In the plan, when Dr. Copland will assemble a medical expert panel, Caitlynn will be diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The third step in the model is a development of an evidence-based question for the identified problem. In this plan when the professionals will discuss that Caitlynn resides in McHenry, they will think that telemedicine is the most helpful strategy for regularly monitoring Caitlyn’s health. The fourth step in the model is the identification of people or groups of people who have an interest in the proposed activity. In this plan, doctors, therapists, nurses, and Caitlyn’s parents will be included. To identify the responsibility of the project, is the the fifth step in this regard. In the plan, all involved persons will be collectively responsible to monitorĀ Caitlynās health. The last step in the model is to schedule time meetings. In the plan, a teleconferencing approach will greatly help doctors, nurses, therapists, and parents of Caitlyn to monitor her properly and on time. As parents can keep an eye on their daughter’s health at their own house via Skype and online meetings, this treatment plan model will also aid in decreasing family stress.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
The John Hopkins technique makes sure that EBP initiatives are accomplished and that employees’ time and hospital resources are managed to their maximum potential while also assisting practitioners in incorporating important research results. Since the EBP framework found videoconferencing as a result of a thorough study that decreased patient visits without increasing the workload for nurses, this strategy will be acknowledged. The EBP concept helped people better recognize the value of such treatments in avoiding future health problems. Caitlynn may also experience fear and other challenges that could impede her recovery. The use of telemedicineĀ assistance is used to handle the problem as the utilization of digital medical services increased during COVID-19, and greatlyĀ improvesĀ the standard of patient treatment. Patient experience with their well-being also grew as a result of telehealth (Marwitz, 2020).
Most Relevant Evidence
The distance between Caitlyn’s house and the hospital is the most pertinent argument in favor of telemedicine. Since Caitlynn has cystic fibrosis, she needs to be constantly monitored, which is not practically possible. She also had breathing problems, so the nurse and the physician may use telemonitoring to assess Caitlynn’s status and determine whether or not she has to go to the hospital. The doctors can also instruct her parents to carefully evaluate Caitlynn’s condition with the use of videoconferencing. To schedule an appointment with the physician for their daughter’s examination, the parents can also use Google Calendar (Tan et al., 2021).
Strategies to Mitigate the Challenges of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Toward the end, I’ll describe the methods to make multidisciplinary collaboration less challenging. We hadĀ already discussed many advantages of theĀ treatment plan. The planĀ supports efficient care management and protects against various side effects. The loss of patient data, the failure to establish a reliable connection, and the demand for certification are potential obstacles to the use of the telemonitoring system. Numerous strategies can be used to overcome such hurdles. One of the strategies isĀ using a password-protected teleconference program. Second is the use ofĀ high-speed internet to maintain a connectionĀ with doctors on Skype without facing any connection problems. Third, the Google calendar option can be used to take appointments from doctors’ packed schedules. These techniques can help to protect patient data. Additionally, the Skype consultation will be helpful because it will lessen the burden on the parents. Using a Google calendar to plan will help to recall when the consultation is scheduled (Paterson et al., 2020).
It must be highlighted that distant collaboration is now more important than ever. Healthcare providersĀ work together remotely to treat conditions like cystic fibrosis. The John Hopkins EBP model can be used to create an efficient treatment plan to achieve targeted outcomes.References
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