NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
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Capella University
NURS-FPX 4040 Managing Health Information and Technology
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Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
Hello! My name is Alexandra and I wish you all a warm welcome on joining this new organization from the whole Quality Improvement Council. Today I will assist you in training on the approach of informatics and quality indicators in nursing. The main objective of todayās session is to develop the best understanding of the improvement of health, quality indicators of nursing, the rationale for using quality indicators, and evidence-based approaches to quality indicators.
Nursing informatics is the approach to the integration of nursing practices with information technology and information to improve healthcare outcomes (Booth et al., 2021). Nursing-sensitive quality indicators are the healthcare outcomes relevant to the patients affected by nursing practices. These are the criteria that indicate the structure, operations, and outcomes of the clinical practices conducted by the nurses (Oner et al., 2020). Such types of quality indicators help in monitoring health status and improving the outcomes and ultimately the patient experience.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
The quality indicators are directly related to the quality services of the healthcare organizations. It is the primary responsibility of organizations and nurses to provide excellent healthcare to patients which cannot be provided without tracking the outcomes and health status (Mangold & Pearson, 2017). For this purpose, quality indicators have been introduced to keep the track of healthcare services and their outcomes. The process involves the collection, analysis, and then critical evaluation of the patient information which predicts the specific outcomes. Nursing informatics helps in improving patient safety and ultimately in achieving the desired objectives in healthcare settings (Savitz et al., 2022). The knowledge and skills of nurses are evaluated through the quality indicators which are divided into three main categories that include process, structure, and patient outcomes.
National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
Now we proceed to the next topic which is the use of NDNQI developed by the American Nursing Association to track the clinical performances of nurses. The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators is the most prestigious and only national database which provides detailed reports on the process, outcomes, and structure indicators on a quarterly and annual basis for the evaluation of nursing practices (Merkley et al., 2018). Capella 4040 Assessment 4. It has established a strong link between the nursing staff level and the outcomes of patients and recommends strategies to improve patient care. it has a direct role in decreasing the span of patient stay in the hospital, increasing patient safety reducing healthcare costs (Gathara et al., 2020). NDNQI has set standards by providing a code of ethics for nurses according to which the nurses should promote and make efforts for patient rights protection including safety and health.
Selection of the Particular Quality Indicator and Justification for its Selection
I selected the particular quality indicator as registered nurses for the certification of the nurses and providing proper training. Training, knowledge, and education have a direct impact on the quality of nurse performance. The lack of these metrics compromises the quality of care and nurse performance in clinical settings. Due to inadequate knowledge and skills, the patient population particularly the older ones are not managed effectively (Taveira et al., 2022). The nursing leader identified the gaps in the training of staff on palliative care. The outcomes of training were evaluated. The analysis was carried out by including 9458 nurses in the study and the most important factors relevant to the education, skills, and behaviors of nurses were considered.
Online surveys were conducted which demonstrated that registered nurses have better skills and performance than non-registered nurses. However, other certain barriers include the lack of communication skills, care coordination, and use of language skills which need to be minimized (Taveira et al., 2022). These gaps, improper training, and lack of proper diagnostics and care can result in significant harm to the patients. A registered nurse can meet all these criteria and fulfill all the requirements to provide the best patient care (Zhang et al., 2021).
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
Licensed nurses can provide full-time care to patients and help in the proper diagnosis and treatment that leads to the quick recovery of patients. They have the competencies of skilled healthcare workers by processing knowledge, skills, and healthcare management qualities. Capella 4040 Assessment 4.Ā Registered nurses should have the skills to provide care in the intensive care unit and especially handle the patientsā post-anesthesia (Prentice et al., 2020). They should undergo proper training in the technical context to provide optimum care to the patients.
Approximately, 1 million people in the United States face experience drastic falls in healthcare centers. Fatal injuries were observed in one-third of patients having fatal falls (Vaishya & Vaish, 2020). The lack of management, violation of regulations on patientsā discharge, and not planning on time have contributed to making Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease the fourth most deadly disease in hospitals.
Parameter for Selection of Quality Indicator
Nurses must have extensive knowledge as well as skills in patient care. One of the most important factors regarding the training of licensed nurses is that they should be trained enough on using EHR services for accurate documentation of patient information and adopt legislative measures and standards to document patient information to avoid any kind of mishap in patient care (Pari et al., 2022). The rate of hospital readmissions also determines the quality of clinical plans and higher admission rate results due to a lack of interprofessional collaboration. The change and instability in funding influence the rate of readmission of patients (Levy, 2021). The interventions like technical solutions depict the ability of a nursing leader to address the issue effectively.
Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
Medical certification has a fundamental importance in nourishing nursing practices and skills. The approach of formative evaluation and assessment training can be used to enhance skills and achieve the goals of medical certification (Lockhart, 2019). It will improve the clinical skills of nurses and they will strive for obtaining positive outcomes in healthcare.
There is a need for nursing informatics to improve healthcare quality as technological tools can automate the process of patient care and help nurses to improve their technical skills as well (Dierkes et al., 2021). Proper training and medical certification both are decisive factors in providing proper healthcare to patients.
Inter-disciplinary Collaboration in Data Management
Now, I will discuss the role of an interdisciplinary approach in the management of data and retaining its privacy.Ā Education and clinical skills are fundamental to enhancing the efficiencies in the healthcare system. The lack of these competencies leads to patient harm and underperformance of the organization (Krause-JĆ¼ttler et al., 2022). However, the use of technological tools promoting interdisciplinary collaboration has provided positive outcomes in the context of patient safety.
Registered nurses need to have clinical skills, knowledge, and ability for inter-professional collaboration. The Quality Assurance Department will note the data to assure the nursesā participation properly. The surveys will be evaluated and reviewed by the management to check the status of care and treatment quality provided to the patients (Barchielli et al., 2022). All the standards of NDNQI will be adopted strictly to achieve healthcare outcomes.
Utilization of NDNQI approach for Data Collection
The quality assurance department will use the surveys and properly structured questionnaires based on the regulations of NDNQI. The management can use the statistical report for the analysis of data to make required improvements (Waugh & Bergquist-Beringer, 2019). This type of information is necessary for enhancing healthcare outcomes. The nurses will collect the data, report it and manage it correctly to achieve better results. The participation of patients and nurses will be assured for recording the data (Lockhart, 2018). The appointments of patients, treatment plans, and quality care will be provided within an organized framework.
Increasing the Care and Safety of Patients
The main role in enhancing patient safety is that of the Board of Certification which will develop an organized framework for increasing patient safety. Providing certificates will help the nurses administer proper patient care (Stephens, 2019). CPPS (Certified Professional In-Patient Safety) certificates have the role of enhancing patient safety (CPPS, 2022). The Certificates are also provided to the licensed nurses working in the transport department named Certified Transport Registered Nurses. It will also play role in increasing patient safety and quality of care (Esslinger et al., 2022). The certificates of emergency registered nurses can also enhance safety in emergency departments through proper management and patient care following all the regulations of NDNQI.
Evidence-based Practices
Evidence-based practices focus on using advanced strategies to improve healthcare outcomes. Many researchers have focused on the use of digital learning to enhance skills in clinical practices. It will help in providing care to the patients and lessen the gaps in healthcare. Therefore, nurses should proceed with adopting the technology for improving the technical skills of staff in the training according to the standards of NDNQI (Engle et al., 2019). The training based on simulation and documentation of patient information in form of telehealth services will improve the privacy and safety of patient-sensitive information. The use of the approach of the Clinical Decision Support System has resulted in an improved experience for patients, a lower ratio of hospital readmission, and a reduction in mortality rate (Abu-Baker et al., 2021). Giving medical certificates has improved the skills and efficiencies of nurses. All these evidence-based approaches can mitigate the risks associated with patient health and deliver the best outcomes.
Quality indicators have a direct role in determining the healthcare quality of patients. Medical certification, education, and HER use can enhance nursesā skills that will improve healthcare outcomes by enhancing patient safety. The readmission ratio will be lowered and the mortality rate will also be reduced significantly. Technical training should be provided to the nurses to reduce patient falls and inter-professional collaboration should be used involving the clinical decision support system to improve healthcare quality.
Abu-Baker, N. N., AbuAlrub, S., Obeidat, R. F., & Assmairan, K. (2021). Evidence-based Practice Beliefs and implementations: A cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing students. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1ā8.
Barchielli, C., Rafferty, A. M., & Vainieri, M. (2022). Integrating key nursing measures into a comprehensive healthcare performance management system: A Tuscan experience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1373. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031373
Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., OāConnor, S., & Solano LĆ³pez, A. L. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. BMJ, 373(373), n1190. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1190
Certified professional in patient safety (CPPS). (2022). Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https://www.amihm.org/certified-professional-in-patient-safety-cpps/
Dierkes, A. M., Schlak, A. E., French, R., McHugh, M. D., & Aiken, L. (2021). Why do some nurses obtain specialty certification and others do not. jona: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(5), 249ā256.
Capella 4040 Assessment 4
Engle, R. L., Mohr, D. C., Holmes, S. K., Seibert, M. N., Afable, M., Leyson, J., & Meterko, M. (2019). Evidence-based practice and patient-centered care: Doing both well. Health Care Management Review, 46(3).
Esslinger, J. L., Parrigin, S. L., Grand, A., Bronow, K. D., & Stocking, J. C. (2022). The roles and contributions of certified transport registered nurses in critical care ground transport today. Air Medical Journal, 41(2), 177ā189.
Gathara, D., Zosi, M., Serem, G., Nzinga, J., Murphy, G. A. V., Jackson, D., Brownie, S., & English, M. (2020). Developing metrics for nursing quality of care for low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review linked to stakeholder engagement. Human Resources for Health, 18(1).
Krause-JĆ¼ttler, G., Weitz, J., & Bork, U. (2022). Interdisciplinary collaborations in digital health research: a case study using quantitative and qualitative survey methods (Preprint). JMIR Human Factors.
Levy, M. M. (2021). Using readmission rates as a quality indicator in sepsisāaddressing the problem or adding to it? JAMA Network Open, 4(6), e2112873. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.12873
Lockhart, L. (2018). Measuring nursingŹ¼s impact. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 16(2), 55. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.nme.0000529956.73785.23
Mangold, K., & Pearson, J. (2017). Making sense of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 33(3), 159ā160. https://doi.org/10.1097/nnd.0000000000000323
Merkley, J., Amaral, N., Sinno, M., Jivraj, T., Mundle, W., & Jeffs, L. (2018). Developing a nursing scorecard using the national database of nursing quality indicatorsĀ®: A Canadian hospitalās experience. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 31(4), 82ā91. https://doi.org/10.12927/cjnl.2019.25752
Oner, B., Zengul, F. D., Oner, N., Ivankova, N. V., Karadag, A., & Patrician, P. A. (2020). Nursingāsensitive indicators for nursing care: A systematic review (1997ā2017). Nursing Open, 8(3).
Pari, V., Sluijs, E. F., del Pilar Arias LĆ³pez, M., Thomson, D. A., Tripathy, S., Vengadasalam, S., Vijayaraghavan, B. K. T., Pisani, L., de Keizer, N., Adhikari, N. K. J., Pilcher, D., Inglis, R., Bulamba, F., Dondorp, A. M., Kooloth, R. A., Phua, J., Sendagire, C., Waweru-Siika, W., Mazlan, M. Z., & Haniffa, R. (2022). Development of a quality indicator set to measure and improve quality of ICU care in low- and middle-income countries. Intensive Care Medicine, 48(11), 1551ā1562.
Prentice, D., Moore, J., Crawford, J., Lankshear, S., & Limoges, J. (2020). Collaboration among registered nurses and licensed practical nurses: A scoping review of practice guidelines. Nursing Research and Practice, 2020, 1ā7.
Savitz, L., Jones, C., & Bernard, S. (2022). Quality indicators sensitive to nurse staffing in acute care settings.
Stephens, S. (2019). Do continuing medical education certifications improve patient safety? Dermatology Times, 40(10).
Swanson, M., Wong, S. T., MartināMisener, R., & Browne, A. J. (2020). The role of registered nurses in primary care and public health collaboration: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(4), 1197ā1207.
Taveira, A., Macedo, A. P., Rego, N., & Crispim, J. (2022). Assessing equity and quality indicators for older people ā Adaptation and validation of the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders (ACOVE) checklist for the Portuguese care context. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1).
Vaishya, R., & Vaish, A. (2020). Falls in older adults are serious. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 54(1), 69ā74.
Waugh, S. M., & Bergquist-Beringer, S. (2019). Methods and processes used to collect pressure injury risk and prevention measures in the National Database of Nursing Quality IndicatorsĀ® (NDNQIĀ®). Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 35(2), 1. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0000000000000428
Zhang, M., Chen, W., Liu, C., Sui, J., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Meng, X., Wang, Y., & Yue, C. (2021). Nursingāsensitive quality indicators for pernicious placenta previa in obstetrics: A Delphi study based across Chinese institutions. Nursing Open. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.895
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