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NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 Health Promotion Plan

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Capella University

NURS-FPX 4060 Practicing in the Community to Improve Population Health



Health Promotion Plan

Health or care coordination is a broader term, with various perspectives. Generally, it refers to the involvement of participants in patient care and the provision of health care services to the patients. According to the Patient-family perspective, care coordination means any activity that is carried out to meet the needs of a patient, providing better health services and sharing relevant and purposeful information. Care coordination, in the views of healthcare professionals, refers to teamwork based on assessment and provision of needs. It is a patient and family-centered activity and involves clinical coordination. It is an evidence-based activity carried out by a lead care coordinator and is person-centered and involves the assessment of patients’ priorities along with social support. This process ensures that the basic facilities are provided and the needs are met. Care coordination is considered the solution to all the issues prevailing in healthcare (Kuo et al., 2018).

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

Health coordination plans are necessary for the prevention of health-associated risks. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most concerning public health issues worldwide with serious social, economic, and health issues. Teenage pregnancy prevails globally with alternate levels. It is more common in regions with low educational and economic standards i.e., higher rates in developing countries as compared to developed ones (World Health Organization, 2022).

So, today, we will design and implement a health promotion plan to reduce the impact of adolescent pregnancy through effective decision-making and a variety of other strategies. It will target the audience which includes parents, family members, teachers, healthcare practitioners, community stakeholders, religious and political leaders, and other service providers to assess the factors associated with the high prevalence of teenage pregnancy and how this might be reduced.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan for Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon, associated with joy and brings positive impacts to the lives of people however an unplanned pregnancy can have adverse effects. Teenage pregnancies are mostly unplanned and bring devastating social, health, educational and economic consequences not only to the individuals but also to their families and the entire community.

In this scanerio, Cristy, a 15 years old high school student who contacted the Family and Children’s Services, and Unmarried Parent services. She found that she and her partner of 4 months are expecting a child.  Because of the low standard of education and poor economic conditions, she falls prey to this social victim and now she is suffering from various health concerns. So, for her treatment and getting the adverse effects of teenage pregnancy highlighted, Sexual and Reproductive health and rights Experts play a key role. Through effective decision-making and strategic approach, they provide awareness to the individual and the community to get rid of this socioeconomic issue (Nabugoomu et al., 2020).

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NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

Research finding by World Health Organization shows that an average of 16 million girls give birth every year and they are between 15 to 19 years old. The risk of adolescent pregnancy is greater in developing countries having low to middle income (World Health Organization, 2022). Keeping in view the global, regional and national commitment to the prevention of marriages and teenage pregnancy, various organizations have taken great initiatives. Adolescent pregnancy is the leading cause of child and maternal mortality rates as it increases the risk of stillbirths along with other complications. Not only this, teenage pregnancy limits the basic opportunities for the girls such as education, and jobs, and increases economic pressure which creates a challenging situation mainly for the youth (Mohr et al., 2019). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which is the lead public health agency of the federal government, considers teenage pregnancy as a serious health issue due to its high cost and impacts on minority communities. For tackling this issue, CDC has developed some programs administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, that focus mainly on educating people about the prevention of teenage pregnancy (Fernandes-Alcantara, 2018).

  • The Sexual Risk Avoidance Education program
  • The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
  • The Teen Pregnancy Prevention program (TPP)

Significance of Teenage Pregnancy in Health Plan Development

Adolescence is considered as one of the critical periods of transition in the entire developmental process from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents who lack basic education and are not able to attend the schools are more likely to indulge in various social issues. Adolescent pregnancy is also included among others. In order to have an improved socioeconomic standard many girls drop out from the school and choose marriage as a better option (World Bank, 2020).

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

A study represents an estimation of about 21 million girls aged 15 to 19 years who become pregnant and 12 million of them giving birth in developing regions. According to WHO, the rate of teenage pregnancies has reduced from 64.5 births per 1000 in 2000 to 42.5 births per women in 2021 across the globe. Different regions have varied rates of teenage pregnancies however major decline is observed in Southern Asia (World Health Organization, 2022).

Research by world bank highlights poverty as the leading cause of adolescence pregnancy. The youth under 18 years, who belong to poorly educated rural areas, do not have access to opportunities and go for agricultural labour as the ultimate source of income which makes them vulnerable because of powerlessness and lack of freedom. These conditions result in early marriages and drop out from school which results in higher rates of teenage pregnancy in those areas (Mohr et al., 2019).

Agreed upon SMART health goals

The management of teenage pregnancy and its prevention is possible through the combined efforts of educational institutions such as schools and colleges, healthcare practitioners, public health services, and the community. Among these, general practitioners play a crucial role as they are concerned with the continuous support and provision of extensive care during pregnancy and post-delivery periods (AJGP, 2020). Moreover, they are responsible for making decisions that are based on evidence which helps them to develop effective strategies and goals that are achievable, specific, could be measured, reliable and timely to manage adolescent pregnancies. Following are some SMART goals that can help general practitioners and experts to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy;

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan
  • Goal 1: Ensuring access to basic healthcare services by making general care inexpensive.
  • Goal 2: Building a confidential and trustworthy relationship with the teenagers and Conducting knowledge-based awareness campaigns about various healthcare resources and sex education.
  • Goal 3: Provide physical and emotional support to the teenagers along with extensive care.
  • Goal 4: Identification of teenagers who are vulnerable to unintended pregnancy and their inquiry regarding conception plans.
  • Goal 5: Focusing on empowerment and LIVES principle by listening, inquiring, validating, and enhancing the safety and support mainly for teenagers.

These strategies will improve clinical practices and facilitate healthcare providers. Non-judgmental relationship and effective counseling sessions with adolescents enables the healthcare department to reduce the risk associated with teenage pregnancy and enhance health outcomes.


Teenage pregnancy is recognized as one of the critical health issues because of the consequences that it has on the lives of children, teenage mothers and ultimately on the general public. A pregnancy in adolescence can have a life changing impact for some young women. But for many teenagers is brings severe outcomes which leads to social and economic consequences. The prevention and management of teenage pregnancy demands evidence-based actions. The health practitioners play a key role in fostering a supportive relationship with the individuals and the families along with creating an effective health environment, which aims to offer reliable care practices by implementation of a non-judgmental approach.


AJGP. (2020). Teenage pregnancy. Australian Journal of General Practice.

Fernandes-Alcantara, A. (2018). Teen Pregnancy: Federal Prevention Programs.

Kuo, D. Z., McAllister, J. W., Rossignol, L., Turchi, R. M., & Stille, C. J. (2018). Care Coordination for Children With Medical Complexity: Whose Care Is It, Anyway? Pediatrics, 141(Supplement 3), S224–S232.

Mohr, R., Carbajal, J., & Sharma, B. B. (2019). The Influence of Educational Attainment on Teenage Pregnancy in Low-Income Countries: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Social Work in the Global Community, 4(1).

Nabugoomu, J., Seruwagi, G. K., & Hanning, R. (2020). What can be done to reduce the prevalence of teen pregnancy in rural Eastern Uganda?: multi-stakeholder perceptions. Reproductive Health, 17(1).

World Bank. (2020, October 7). Poverty Overview. World Bank.

World Health Organization. (2022, September 15). Adolescent pregnancy. WHO; World Health Organization: WHO.