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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 – Assessing the Problem; Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

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Capella University

NURS-FPX 4900: Capstone Project for Nursing



In the research-based scenario, I discussed the condition of A patient with developed Alzheimerā€™s disease. Mr. Hardy is not living the best of his life because his health condition as well as the unavailability of proper care and treatment. Alzheimerā€™s puts a bad impact on a patientā€™s life physically and mentally. It also disturbs the life of people around them psychologically and financially as its treatment costs too much. Due to their special life conditions on daily basis, the healthcare faculty also faces some hardships along the way. Faculty dealing with AD patients and nurses are specially trained on the care schedule of Alzheimerā€™s patients and how to deal with any psychological effect on their life (Grabher, 2018). Due to AD patientsā€™ unhealthy mental condition, sometimes they have to face stress condition and anxiety attacks and require immediate treatment by a psychologist or a doctor in case they have harmed themselves. Through step-by-step progress, here I will discuss the contribution of technology, digital treatment programs, and coordination between the healthcare system and community for better use of resources.

Impact of HealthCare Technologies on Alzheimerā€™s Patients

Alzheimerā€™s patients with already so many challenges memory loss, stress, anxiety, less social interaction, incapability to do daily chores, and financial instability due to expensive treatment, have to go through so much. With the modern era problems and new addition in diseases and virus breakthroughs, life has become more difficult for them. Alzheimerā€™s patients are a great deal of stress from family member and their caregivers. As an estimated data report, the stress level and anxiety in relative personnel were higher than the usual staff. They also had to go through almost the same kind of anxiety as the patient and it was affecting their own life on a daily basis (Yıldızhan et al., 2018).

The recent COVID situation has risen the health risks for AD patients who need constant care and observation. Proper care is only possible at care centers and nursing homes but was not possible for suggested social distancing during COVID. Hospitals and health centers with an already flowing no. of patients were not safe places for AD patients. COVID with possible vascular damage was more harmful to Alzheimerā€™s patients as they suffer from stress which also affects their brain during an anxiety attack and difficulty in breathing. They were suggested home-based care plans with the help of technical assistance for their daily checkup routine and in the case of emergency. Mr. Hardyā€™s medical history also included 6 months of home assistance which was not provided properly and resulted in an increase in anxiety attacks. (Brown et al., 2020). With Alzheimerā€™s being 6th most dangerous disease affecting the mortality rate in the US, COVID has added in pulling the healthcare system to the limits.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem; Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

As it is stated already that therapeutic treatment is compulsory for patients with chronic diseases. With the fast-moving world and advancements in technology, the health system has also adopted technological changes. To tackle the rise in medical challenges, avoid the risks in case of outdoor engagement and for the people who cannot afford the in-session treatment, Assistive Technology (IT) is introduced for therapeutic treatments. Various health applications are available to perform a general checkup on daily basis by yourself. Specific mobile apps related to ADRD are presented with the assistance of professionals who help the patient through scheduled online sessions, track reports and provide changes in the ongoing plan according to the condition of the patient. Groups on social media provide assistance and information in case of emergency situations. Of all the apps developed only 5% are approved on IOS and android which proves the feasibility of the approved apps (Yousaf et al., 2019). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also helping the health care system as it helps in the early detection of Alzheimerā€™s, speech therapy, and in suggesting the possible fit treatment for that particular patient by keeping in account the medical history of the patient and daily progress. The dramatic increase in AD patients is keeping the healthcare system and government on edge constantly but IA makes it feasible for the healthcare system and nurses to tackle the situation successfully (El-Sappagh et al., 2021).

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem; Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Nurses and the health care system are the backbone and play a critical role in patientsā€™ progress and recovery. As Alzheimerā€™s patients fully depend on nurses so they are more responsible for their health condition and can provide assistance in the research study of the disease. University-based studies and survey teams focus on our patients as well as nurses. For the modern-day system, nurses have also provided assistance in the development of mobile health treatment framework, and they are more important because in the end they are going use the technology and train the patientā€™s family members (Oā€™Connor, 2019). Technology adaptation also lessens the financial burden for both families and the health system. According to research, the cost estimation for mental illnesses will increase by half against all other diseases in the next decade. So, technological assistance is the need of time (Knapp & Wong, 2020).

Impact of Care Coordination and Community Resources on Alzheimerā€™s Patients

Understanding between health care system and community is vital in order to best use the resources and for coordination between them regarding the best outcomes of ongoing treatment of the patient. US Government has introduced many feasible policies and plans for the assistance of patients and their families. A two-year coordination care plan for Alzheimerā€™s patients helps them in cost management and easy excess in an emergency situation for patients in remote areas. Several Alzheimerā€™s care communities like Healthier Happens Together and Alzheimerā€™s Care-Individual Treatment coordinate with the government and hospitals to provide proper assistance to the patients (Jennings et al., 2019). Therapeutic treatments are included in their plans.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem; Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Along with medical care and counseling of the patients and their familyā€™s development of possible affected treatment is also necessary which can be accelerated with the help of social services as cost management remained an unsolved problem as well. Some coordination plans participate especially in the development strategies of medicine. These programs work on increasing the effectiveness of technology regarding disease and improving the quality of life by assisting them in stress therapies. Indiana Universityā€™s Healthy aging brain Center reports a study that reveals that cost management and potential savings in this regard are possible with the help of remote therapeutic sessions and lowering the emergency situations which result in a frequent hospital visits. The Alzheimer Care Program at the University of California Las Angles (UCLA) launched a dementia care program in 2011 which was in working with the coordination of nurses, healthcare system participants, and patients (Jennings et al., 2019).

Nurses are a vital part of the coordination plan in the progress study and cost management study of AD disease.Ā  To make the whole process easy at each and every step, they provide assistance to the family members and organize training sessions to help them in the home-based care system to decrease the financial burden. The decrease in the quality of life in the case of cognitive disease is sure happening. From my evaluation, the current progress in Mr. Hardyā€™s mental health was the result of better care at the nursing center. Constant care requirements at nursing homes and old age centers result in extended responsibilities for care providers. As aging increases in the US population, the ratio of patients with cognitive diseases will by 2030. This focuses on the requirement of caregivers, nurses, and training for common people in case of self-assistance (Flaherty & Bartels, 2019).

Current economic challenges and lack of nurses especially at the 24-hour care centers speak for the need for more production of healthcare bodies which is possible with proper awareness about Alzheimerā€™s and its need. Coordination between the healthcare system and the community can provide the required knowledge for the general public. Attractive salary and financial plans included with insurance policies can also help to achieve the target. Service use in remote areas on a regular basis and emergency situations are not possible frequently so people can move towards informal. Informal caregivers may not be able to provide the proper service and specific assistance that AD patients need which also proves the importance for nurses (Bieber et al., 2019).

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National Standards and Organizational Guidelines for Alzheimerā€™s

Every disease has its standard guideline chart that is followed all over the world. The US Government has issued a standard Alzheimerā€™s disease chart through National Plan to Address Alzheimerā€™s (NAPA). It discusses the guidelines to plan the curriculum which describes the detailed process for early detection of disease. Treatment for mild cognitive dementia. Various strategies have been developed to provide the best care for the patients and also nurses. As mentioned earlier, psychological happenings with the patient also disturb the nursing staff and according to a survey, the nursing staff of AD patients was affected by 25% as compared to other staff. US Government also promotes seminars and plans to assist nurses with therapy on regular bases or as much as they require (Kong et al., 2021).

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem; Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Sometimes, the study gap related to AD research also creates problems for healthy bodies. Centre of Disease Control (CDC) along with Alzheimerā€™s Centers manages the research studies and medicine development progress which ensures the safety of the patient regarding medicine use. Calculated reviews from the history of the patient, nurse, and family members help to develop the focused study progress and standardize the medical instrument. For example, the first-time behavior of a patient against the disease involves the recognition of triggers. For the smooth progress of treatment, it is necessary to organize the behavioral chart along with daily progress to assist in the modification of medicine and schedule the interventions. National Institute on Aging and Alzheimerā€™s Association have provided research regarding the levels of cognitive impairment and how it affects the disease progress (Atri, 2019). The goal to achieve a better understanding of the disease is possible by adopting standard training programs. Fulfilling the primary needs of the patients including their psychological condition. Availability of the required workforce is also a need of time.

Possible care guidelines for family members are easy to determine nowadays because of the advancement of technology and social media. Training sessions carried out by nurses also help them to assist better. Furthermore, various Alzheimer centers all over The US also provide follow-up guidelines that are declared standard by NAPA and US Government. Alzheimerā€™s and Dementia Care- Skilled Nursing facility also offers consultations on scheduled bases. In Us, almost two-thirds of AD patients with conditions deteriorated because of misdiagnosing or late detection of the disease. Surveys and seminars spread awareness at the public level to guide people (Bernstein et al., 2019).

Nurses all over the world follow authorized treatment guidelines to provide better assistance to their patients. A standard guideline is also included in their contract which bound them morally to fulfill their duties honestly. They have to interact with their patient with sympathy and a positive attitude which automatically affects the mental condition of the patient. Nursing is a health & science-focused profession that automatically involves the ability to understand the phenomenon scientifically(Nibbelink & Brewer, 2018).


Safety and care are a priority of the healthcare system for AD patients. But we are still facing challenges in many ways regarding psychological effects, financial conditions, and possible treatment. In this situation, the effective use of technology is vital to overcome the challenges as much as possible. Modern standards are modified to tackle modern-day difficulties. The availability of solutions at a vast scale has it easy to follow the standard health framework.


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