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NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4: Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

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Capella University

NURS-FPX 4900: Capstone Project for Nursing



My earlier discussion in the preceding reports on Mrs. Jone’s depression situation serves as the foundation for this one. The depressive patient, now 55 years-old, was first evaluated with depression when she was 50 year. She started using antidepressant medication after complaining about her feelings of sadness, tension, and boredom.

Improvements in the quality of life for people with mental health issues need the constant development of novel approaches. Annually, more than 8 percent of the total Americans andĀ 21 million individuals worldwide are affected by depression, making it among the most prevalent forms of mental illness (MHA, 2019). Approximately a quarter (35%) of persons experiencing depression seeks medical treatment from a psychotherapist, even though most people with depression experience full recovery of the condition with adequate therapy (Leonhardt, 2021). Most prevalent programs like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and telemedicine may be recommended by doctors if the patient’s depression is very severe or follows a certain trend over time.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 4: Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Diseases including cardiovascular, tumors, Covid-19, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, and hormone problems have been associated with higher rates of depression and vice versa. An ā€œOpen Minds Market Intelligence reportā€ estimates that expenditure on mental health treatments and solutions in 2019 hasĀ reachedĀ a total of ā€œ$225 billionā€ (Leonhardt, 2021). A depressed person’s disbursements are higher than those of a healthy individual. The annual medical expenses for a patient suffering from serious depression might reach $10,836. Conversely, the annual cost for an insulin-dependent diabetic to maintain their illness is around $48,000 (Knapp & Wong, 2020). Recent research indicates that annual medication usage is higher in mental conditions than in a normal personĀ with healthy conditions (Chang et al., 2019). As a nurse, I’ve seen that patients suffering from depression often emphasize the utilization of evidence-based treatments (Gunawan et al., 2020).

Proposed Intervention for Depression

Particularly for Mrs. Jone’s case of depression, strong leadership is an important intervention. It makes it easier for patients to follow established health management strategies designed to boost their health (Iorfino et al., 2021). Healthcare provider should show their courage in depression and other chronic conditions that need follow-up care. This follow-up presentation is formed to educate depressive patients about the effectiveness of lifestyle modification using telehealth, CBT, and web portal services.

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Role of Leadership and Change Management

Nurses should adopt leadership strategies to implement change management strategies and develop effective communication channels to convey important information related to the patient. In the case of Mrs. Jone, a considerable amount of the responsibility for educating patients about depression resides in the hands of registered nurses. The nurses instruct patients on the foundations of self-empowering (e.g. CBT) to enhance living standards and educate their effective usage of telehealth technology as change implementation. The ā€œNational Organization of Nurse Practitioner Facultyā€ (NONPF) endorses the usage of telehealth inpatient and nursing education (Rutledge et al., 2021). I have suggested leadership techniques to Mrs. Jone and she was willing to embrace the established proper medical measures.

The use of telehealth/telemedicine allows patients to interact with professionals without taking any hospital visits. The effective use of information-sharing web portals and remote services will help a patient access depression-related information to overcome the severe condition. The usage of remote services for patients’ families and friends can cut hospital expenditures and encourage them to support the patient recovery process.Ā  Ā 

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 4: Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Change management needs leaders to assist in the establishment of norms that would assist followers in adjusting to new circumstances (Shann et al., 2019). According to Panozzo, (2019) leaders in hospital settings assign tasks to doctors and nurses with great deliberation, taking into account each person’s strengths and weaknesses, and providing assistance whenever necessary (Harris & Panozzo, 2019). Empowered employees in the nursing profession may encourage patients to engage in self-management and the adoption of technology. My engagement with Mrs. Jone was distinguished by these characteristics, which made it easier to organize collaborative sessions with her family and other participants, to maintain patient-centered care.

Strategies for Communication and Collaboration

While developing the strategy for Mrs. Jone’s health care, I made an effort to accommodate her viewpoints, particularly by supporting her intake of well-informed personal decisions on the treatment of her depression. The autonomy principle was the best charge for me to establish positive communication with her; she was willing to adopt self-management and lifestyle modification with the help of my proposed leadership intervention.

As part of such consultations for Mrs. Jone, the nurse might listen to the patient’s thoughts on the proposed change. Families who are involved provide input on how to enhance the intervention strategy. The family’s and the professional’s ability to communicate effectively with one another is crucial to satisfy the demands of the patient (Wang et al., 2018). According to the ā€œJoint Commission,ā€ critical incidents are due to communication breakdowns among healthcare professionals (Wang et al., 2018). The use of technology will improve communication outcomes by giving one touch facility on smartphones. Efficient nurse and doctor collaboration on health outcomes including, enhanced care experience, shorter hospital stays (SHS), and fewer complications are only some of the desirable results (Harris & Panozzo, 2019).

In the support of digital intervention, behavioral treatments (e.g. CBT) for depression are administered using a specialized healthcare app, and the feature was supported by a distant interdisciplinary care team (Fortuna et al., 2019). The use of specialized telemedicine services will increase the hospital’s ability to connect with a patient remotely for clear and precise medication procedures. However, providing best practices on Mrs. Jone’s part for the intervention required her to refrain from smoking, cut back on salt, increase her physical activity, and take her hypertension medicine as prescribed.

State Board Nursing Practice Standards and Governmental Policies

Among the objectives of the Registered ā€œNursing standardsā€ is to enhance the quality of care given to patients, by requiring nurses to act in compliance with widely recognized moral guidelines. According to Oldland et al., (2020) since nurses aren’t aware of all they’re responsible for, it might harm patient care (Oldland et al., 2020). The ā€œAmerican Health Associationā€ (AHA) endorses the use of technology for educating nurses and the use of telehealth services to enhance patient care (Beaton et al., 2020). National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) advocates for legislation and regulations that promote the use of telehealth techniques to support a diverse set of high-quality, readily available mentalĀ healthcare (Canady, 2021). Telehealth relieves patients of the burden of finding a way to their doctor appointments, which can reduce “neither” and improve therapeutic consistency.Ā When it comes to mental health care, NAMI argues legislators should do more to improve and extend telehealth provision throughout all contexts and types of medical care, particularly enabling reimbursement for medicare applicants utilizing telehealth.

Patient Quality of Care, Safety, and Cost

The actual goal of telemedicine is to deliver high-quality medical care through remote techniques when and where it is not possible to access conventional medical facilities (Haimi et al., 2020). Mrs. Jone has a modest income, therefore encouraging her to manage her hypertension at home will help her save money on transportation expenditures. The use of ā€œmobile health technologyā€ (M-health) has the power to significantly enhance the quality of healthcare delivered to vulnerable areas at a much-reduced cost (Nittari et al., 2020). By avoiding needless doctor visits and hospitalizations, one may save money using this method.Ā  Patients need comprehensive explanations from their nurses about their conditions, potential risks, and underlying causes. In the case of Mrs. Jone, as a nurse, I have followed nursing practices of confidentiality by protecting her privacy while adopting telemedication and beneficence by elaborating on her related risks of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources to Address Health Problems

Mrs. Jone’s disease can be effectively treated with the help of ā€œcommunity resources, coordinated care, and technologyā€. By incorporating telehealth and M-health into the situation, the nurse and Mrs. Jone will be able to communicate more effectively, leading to a better conclusion for the patient (Iorfino et al., 2021). The patient’s commitment to her medicine and lifestyle modifications was significantly assisted by the utilization of telehealth (Haimi et al., 2020). Ant depression medication and a high bp monitoring device can improve daily life experience for personal management in Mrs. Jone’s case. To ensure a patient’s well-being, care coordination demands the participation of all relevant parties. Coordination demands from medical professionals to inform friends and family about the patient’s condition play an important role in ensuring a speedy and successful recovery (Gill et al., 2020). However, Interprofessional collaboration will also assist inpatient conditions in recovery on a priority basis.

Community Resources

The ā€œAnxiety and Depression Association of Americaā€ (ADAA) is a non-profit organization that conducts teaching and training programs, as well as the study on stress, depression, and other diseases connected to these conditions. The ā€œAmerican Psychiatric Associationā€ (APA) is a wonderful resource for both inexperienced and experienced therapists who treated mental conditions in patients like Mrs. Jone. As part of such consultations for Mrs. Jone, the nurse might listen to the patient’s thoughts on the proposed lifestyle changes.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 4: Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution


The medical issues with Mrs. Jone’s depression were solved using an evidence-based strategy. It’s important to find ways to improve cooperation and communication between all parties involved. The state and the National Board should have some influence on how nurses are expected to behave. Mrs. Jone’s condition might be better managed with the use of therapies created via evidence-based therapy. Improvements in health service delivery are a desired consequence of the suitable option. The physician’s condition improves with the help of technology, coordinated treatment, and available information.


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